Monday, November 11, 2013

Day #11..................

Good Morning and Happy Veterans Day!
*Today I am so very thankful for the Veterans ... past and present! Thank you for our freedom! Thank you for putting yourself in danger for not only your loved ones...but strangers! God Bless you all!
*Thankful for Ken pretty much being over the flu...just an annoying cough hanging on.
**Thankful for my friend Darla for her little bag of tricks thi...s last week to help my back! I was finally able to use my neck brace and not be in too much pain! Thank you!!!
***Thankful for the positive ...faithful ...and thankful attitude my sweet Michael has! Even with knowing what is ahead for him with being sick again.... He knows God won't let him down. (He's going to wrestle in the Cougar Classic)
**Thankful for a fresh pot of coffee! (And my fuzzy socks! brrr)
*So thankful for this new day! A new chance to continue to learn and practice what being thankful really is!
~*~Thank you Lord God for your love and patience! Thank you for the lessons we are to continue learning! Thank you for being there with us the whole way!~*~
Have a marvelous Monday everyone! Don't forget to thank a veteran today!

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