Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Living Water

"The water I give [you] will become in [you] a spring of water welling up to eternal life." — John 4:14

The other day we talked about road snacks. Today let's consider drinking water. You are likely aware that about two thirds of the human body consists of water. No wonder we drink so often! On a journey, having fresh water is even more important than food.

In our passage for today Jesus talks with a woman in Samaria about water. He talks about good drinking water, and he talks about living water. In those days--and still today in the Middle East--fresh water is a precious resource. Everyone needs it to survive. But Jesus says that the water he gives brings life. It's living water that wells up within us to give eternal life!

Many Old Testament verses speak of thirsting after God as one thirsts for a cool drink. God is called the fountain of life and the spring of living water. In our reading for today, living water refers to eternal life. Once we satisfy our thirst with living water, we will never thirst again. The Holy Spirit provides this living water in our soul for us to draw upon continuously.

No successful journey of faith is possible without access to living water. Only Jesus can show us the way out of our spiritual desert. Only Jesus can quench our burning thirst for God. Only the one Lord and Savior is able to give us this amazing gift that satisfies the deepest desire of our soul.

Many blessings 


Friday, August 7, 2020

Spiritual Nutrition

"Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of [him], so the one who feeds on me will live..."  — John 6:57

What are your favorite travel snacks? What munchies do you take along when you go hiking or biking or on a road trip? Some people like energy bars; others prefer trail mixes of nuts and dried fruit; others go for fresh veggies like carrots or celery. These simple snacks give us nutrition that we need during our travels.

As we travel the journey of faith, we also need an energy source that provides strength and stamina. But here we have to be especially careful. Our trip will last a lifetime, so we need something more serious than a casual snack. Our journey can be ruined if we make the wrong choices. The Bible's advice is clear: Jesus says that he himself should become our spiritual nutrition!

What does this mean? The living Father sent Jesus in order to find and save his lost ones. So all who turn to Jesus in faith, depending on him for spiritual food, can connect to the life-giving strength of God the Father.

Do you feel exhausted in your spiritual journey? Do you lack energy for your daily walk with Christ? Turn to Jesus, and he will replenish your strength. Remember that every day you need some time for reading his Word, conversing with him in prayer, and reflecting on the Lord and how he wants you to live. Let Jesus become your source of spiritual nutrition, and he will give you inner strength and life everlasting.

<>< God Bless
