Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Freshening up a bit.....................

*WHEW*.................... whatcha think? like the new color of my blog? I was really feeling like I needed to brighten up the place a bit .... at least for a while. I think I like it.
How is everyone on this Wonderful Wednesday? Me? Well... I'm doing okay... having a bit of a day today missing my daddy. Today is his birthday..... and well.................. from past posts.. I'm sure you all know how much I miss him!
Okay.... before I start crying... and short out my laptop.... I'm going to take a deep breath and pull myself together here. Daddy is happy... healthy... and basking in the Glory of the Lord!

I wanted to share the new brighter look of my blog... and a few charity squares I've got ready to send out. This first set is for a lovely lady making a Comfortghan for a friend who was diagnosed with a rare ovarian cancer. She asked for teal colored squares for the 'ghan. Teal is the color that represents Ovarian Cancer. One square is the lovely "Heart of a Child" square I was fortunate enough to test recently. The other is an Awareness Ribbon Square... created by a talented lady on C'ville (Carolyn). The pattern has raised ribbons around the square... but the picture I took doesn't show them very well at all. My apologies! Its a fabulous square!
This square is for a lady from CrochetSwapsGalore yahoo group. She's making a Comfortghan for a dear friends husband who is seriously ill.
So this isnt a Charity Square. This is our silly kitty... who I think believes he's a dog.... hmmm?
Hubby bought this three drawer system for me the other night to help me have some of my things organized near my chair in our room. *yup... soiled me again*
With my daughter living at home for a bit.... I kinda lost my *was turning into* craft room. No biggie. I'll just tuck away in my corner here with my yarn and coffee... and I'm happy. Well... apparently so is Charlie. He was pawing at the bottom drawer this morning.. so I opened it to let him see what it was... he climbed in and laid down. Okay????????? That drawer has all my ziplock baggies and such for mailing. hmmmmmm! How comfy could that possibly be? So I went and got his blankie and put it in the drawer for him.... he immediately curled up for a nap.

Well............ time to get back to making charity squares and working on a bag I'm making for a Purse/Tote swap I'm in. Oh its so exciting! I'll share more about that later.
Have a Wonderful day!!!
hugs... love and blessings

YHAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY.................

This is today's scripture.... and I just have to say......................... WOW and AMEN
**Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don't get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.
~ Proverbs 4:25-27**

Monday, July 28, 2008

Charity work.............

Praise God................... a brand new beautiful day to seek Him!!! To be blessed by Him!!! To bless others through Him!!! To love Him and be loved by Him!!!

Speaking of being blessed...................... I want to show you a couple of Prayer Blankets I received in the mail recently for my Challenge. Aren't they awesome!!!?!
This one is from a wonderful lady named Mary (aka:hockeymomcrochets) from C'ville. Thank you dear............... so very much.
This one is from Meegan from a yahoo Square Swapping group I'm in. Thank you ... its Beautiful!

These next three pics are of Charity Squares I'll be mailing out to ladies that have asked for help making a Comfortghan for someone.

this one is a bit askew..... darn thing wont straighten.. even after blocking. It will once its placed in a 'ghan... but sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh.... hehheee

Well................... that's it for now. I have crocheting to do...... watch my boys play Guitar Hero and play with my grandson. hmmm.. and do laundry and make dinner. WHEW.

have a Wonderful day... may you be blessed beyond your wants or needs.
Huge Hugs,

**My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever.
~ Psalm 73:26**

Friday, July 25, 2008

**Freebie Friday**

YUP.................Freebie Friday is here!!!
Now I have this kitchen set that I am going to share. The round dish cloth is one of my own... the Pineapple trivet and Weaved Hotpad are creations of others... but I will share a link of where you can find the pattern for those.
Round Dish Cloth

Hook size: I
yarn: 100% cotton (sugar & cream)
skill level: easy

Rnd 1. ch 4 (counts as first dc) 11 dc in 4th ch from hook. (12 dc). join with sl st .
Rnd 2. ch 3, 1 dc in same st, 2 dc in each of the stitches around (24). join.
Rnd 3: ch 3, *skip next st, 1 dc…ch 2…1 dc in next st (V-st made). repeat from * ending with 1 dc in same sp as ch 3, ch 2,this will complete the last V-st. sl st to join.
Rnd 4: sl st into the ch 2 space, ch 3, 1 dc…ch 2…2 dc in same sp, * 2 dc…ch 2…2 dc in next ch 2 sp, repeat * around. join. (this is where your rows will begin your points).
Rnd 5: sl st into next st, ch 3, * 2 dc-ch 2-2 dc in the ch 2 sp, 1 dc in next dc, skip next 2 dc, 1 dc in next st. repeat from * around. join.
Rnd 6: sl st into next st, ch 3, 1 dc in next st, * 2 dc-ch 2-2 dc in next ch 2 sp, 1 dc in each of next 2 dc, skip next 2 sts, 1 dc in each of next 2 dc, repeat * , skip last 2 sts, join.
Rnd 7: sl st into next st, ch 3, 1 dc in next 2 sts, * 1 dc-ch 2-1 dc (this is a small shell made of a V-st) in next ch 2 space, 1 dc in next 3 sts, skip 2 sts, 1 dc in next 3 sts, repeat * around, skip last 2 sts. join.
Rnd 8: sl st into next st, ch 3, 1 dc in next 2 sts, * 1dc-ch 2-1dc (this is the small shell ) in ch 2 sp, 1 dc in next 3 sts, skip next 2 sts, 1 dc in the next 3 sts, repeat * around, skip last 2 sts, join. finish off.

Pineapple Trivet
Pattern can be found here: RoseRedPineappleTrivet

Weaved Hotpad
Pattern can be found here: KimberlyWeavedHotpad

enjoy the patterns.........
have a wonderful weekend!!!!
God Bless you all............

**If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities.
~ Luke 16:10**

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What a Wednesday........................

*Whew* what a day!
It was a beautiful busy day. Thank you Lord God for keeping me busy. Reminds me that I have a wonderful life with many friends and family to love and love me back!
I have alot of WIPs to get busy on. Comfortghans.... Prayer blankets... Christmas Gifts... etc.
I set those things aside to work on some gifts that were needed this last week... and some Charity Squares that are still in need of.
Speaking of Charity Squares............ I was fortunate enough to Test this square (Heart of a Child) for a dear lady from C'ville.... (Donna) I love how it came out and I have made a few more for other charity needs. This one went to Donna. (SmoothFox)
Thank you for letting me test this ........ it was fun!
This another Charity Square I made for a lady also from C'ville ... Lona (Ninn) for her Dad.
Mommy and her Comfortghan........
Aren't they both absolutely beautiful!!!?!!! I'm sorry for the photo quality....... I took this with my phone ... usually it does MUCH better than this... not sure what happen. Thats okay... I love it all the same. Mom loved her 'ghan.......... couldnt believe all the beautiful squares sent from strangers just for her! Thank you again everyone for your help!!!

Okay...............time to get some more crocheting done. I have my list of things to finish... work on and package up tonight before bed. hmmmmm.... bed.............? If I dont get busy... I may have to skip the 'bed' thing. hehehehehee

You all have a GREAT night...
hugs ... love and Blessings,
.:: T ::.

**Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
~ Matthew 28:19**

Friday, July 18, 2008

'Freebie Friday'..........

Good morning..................
Rub your eyes..... have you had enough coffee... did you read the title of this post correctly? Yupper............. its Freebie Friday.
I've decided that as often as I can... Fridays will be days I either share an original design I have written ... or share a free design from the net that I have found fun to do. I will post the pattern or link here. So check in on Fridays for sure... you may find a treat.
So with that................... This is my first Freebie to share.

Book Thongs
©Designed and written by Tammy Carlton

Hook size: G
Yarn: Simply Soft by Caron
Skill level: Easy

Granny Square Book Thong

Ch 25 – dc in 3rd ch from hook. 2dc in same ch st. 3dc in each ch st to end.

Ch 50

sl st in 3rd ch from hook to create circle.
Row 1) Ch 3. 2dc in circle. Ch 3. (3dc, ch 3) 3 more times. Sl st in top of beginning ch3 Total of 4(ch3 sets)
Row 2) sl st in next 2dc and into ch3 sp. Ch 3, 2dc in same sp. Ch 3, 3dc in same sp. **Ch 1. 3dc in next ch 3 sp. Ch3, 3dc in same ch 3 sp.**
**repeat 2 more times. Sl st in top of beginning ch 3. finish off.

Circle Book ThongCurl:
Ch 25 – dc in 3rd ch from hook. 2dc in same ch st. 3dc in each ch st to end.

Ch 50

sl st in 3rd ch from hook to create circle.
Round 1) ch 3 … 11dc in circle. Sl st in top of beginning ch 3 (12)
Round 2) ch 3 … dc in same sp with ch3. 2dc in each dc around. (24)
Sl st in top of beginning ch 3. finish off.

Double Ended Curl Book ThongCurl:
Ch 25 – dc in 3rd ch from hook. 2dc in same ch st. 3dc in each ch st to end.

Ch 50… place stitch marker at ch on hook.

Ch 25 – dc in 3rd ch from hook. 2dc in same ch st. 3dc in each ch st to stitch marker. Finish off.

Design written July2008 ©2008 by Tammy Carlton


There you have it.... Today's Freebies. Enjoy!
Have a wonderful day.... and for fun.... make this a Freebie Friday for someone else. Any random act of kindness done today for someone else sure would make for a great way to start the weekend.
hugs... love and blessings,

**...You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.
~ Matthew 22:37-38**

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thankful Thursday.........

What a fabulously thankful Thursday it is! Can you believe how beautiful it is outside?!? My goodness………. The sun is so bright… the air has a bit of a warm breeze… all the little creatures are flying and crawling around.
I am so thankful I am here another day to enjoy all of Gods creations! I’m thankful for all the busy days… for all the running around …. Back and forth. I’m thankful for the gloomy rainy days… when I get to stay inside and relax…. Recharge for those busy days ahead again. I’m thankful for coffee. (oops… little selfish there huh?! … sorry.) but I really am thankful for COFFEE. Heheheee
I’m thankful for family and friends. How blessed I am with both!!! My goodness! I’m thankful for having the desire for crafting and the talent to succeed at it. Which leads me to sharing one of my latest creations/gifts.
So the kitchen set that I had in the post below... that is for the lovely lady having the Baseball BBQ... um... I kind of added to it. heheheheee. is the whole set I will be giving her.
12point round dish cloth... spiral scrubbie and this scrubbie/sponge I created. There in one of the pictures is the back which you can see…. is made from ‘plarn’ (plastic grocery bags cut in strips to crochet like yarn)

Well.. that’s it for now. I have more crocheting to do… so I better get back to it!
Remember … be thankful for all… good and bad.
Count all trials a blessing!!!! Yes… trials are blessing! You would never grow and learn if not for the trials in your life.
So .. the next time your riding mower breaks down and you have to push mow 4 acres of land… be thankful the 4 acres are grass and the other 7 are woods.
The next time one of your children fall and split their head open requiring staples… be thankful its only staples and not major surgery.
The next time you find your life stressed… be thankful you have a life. You have a home.. a family…friends… food… etc…. and you’re not living in a box house with mud floors and the streets outside your door are covered in waste water.
And the next time you find everyone piling their own burdens on your shoulders and you feel you cant hold another one… due to your own life issues. BE THANKFUL you are trusted so confidently by others to hold their burdens for them… that you are the one they can come to because God knows and trusts you with their issues knowing they cant hold them and you can.
Be Thankful God loves you!!!!

Huge hugs…. Lots of love… and bountiful blessings to you all,

**My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
~ John 10:27**

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A little Gift Giving...........

Well................. Praise God for this lovely Gloomy lazy day!!! I have been busy this week with getting a couple gifts made. My 12 yr old's baseball team is having an 'After Season BBQ' at one of the family's house. Well.......... This first picture is a small gift for the hostess. My 12point round Dish Cloth and a Spiril Scrubbie I hope she likes it. I know I enjoy making and using these things myself.

This is the infamous Pineapple Fan/Shawl. One of the other moms on the team is our "Do everything" mom. She tends to schedules.... emails.... uniforms... concession sign ups... team photos... travel arrangements with hotel reservations.... and and and!!! So as a token of my Thanks for all she does................ I made her this Shawl. Team colors are mainly red with black and white accent.... so thought this would work for her to sit at practices and games early in April and May that are still cool to stay warm with.
I love the pattern and will be making it again.... and maybe again... oh............ and probably again.
Okay........... I'm off to get more crocheting done. I have other gifts I would like to get done.
You all have a wonderful day.
Count your blessings .............. can you count 1? I bet you can count more.... I know I can!
God has blessed me with 6 wonderful children. 5 beautiful grandbabies. 1 of a kind husband. Fabulous family. Fantastic friends... physical and cyber. 10 extra years with my daddy if not for his heart transplant I wouldn't have had. My crafting talent... which extends to my giving heart which helps me brighten someone elses day. But most of all... God has Blessed me with His love and mercy!

The Light of God surrounds you,
The Love of God enfolds you,
The Power of God protects you,
and the Presence of God watches over you,
Wherever you are, God is, and all is well!

Huge hugs... lots of love and bountiful blessings to you all.
.:: Tam ::.

**But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.
~ John 4:14**

Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday Morning..............

and Praise God for a new beautiful day.
Hope everyones weekend was wonderful! Other than suffering through a BAD headache (worse than my normal everyday headaches) which is still hanging on today... my weekend was great.
I did manage to get quite a bit of crocheting done. Which of course always makes me happy.
These are a few kitchen items I crocheted yesterday. A 12point round dish cloth... a Pineapple Trivet (pattern by RoseRed) and a Weaved Hotpad (pattern by Kimberly)
This is the Prayer Blanket I'm making for Charlotte (15 mo. old attacked by a pit-bull) I'm almost done... need to buy one more skein of yarn to finish it off.
Yup............. couldnt help myself... had to make another (yarn doily) This one is made with Yellow RedHeart Baby yarn and a 'F' hook. I'm going to give this one to my mom. I wish the yellow would have shown better... its really pretty. Have a Magnificent Monday!!!
God Bless,
Matthew 19:26

Friday, July 11, 2008

Fantastic Friday.............

Well... well.... well........... what a Fantastic Friday! Praise God ... its beautiful out! Sun shinning ... birds singing... butterflies fluttering... bees buzzing... cows mooing... deer grazing...turkey gobbling to each other... and the dogs relaxing in the warmth! How is it that all this happens around us and we can be so wrapped up in our own busy lives that we miss it?
But isn't God GREAT... He'll show us again tomorrow.. and the next day and the next day. He never gives up on us. He shares His grand creations and beauties with us everyday. One day we will need Him... one day we will see Him through all His gifts... and we will walk with Him. Now that's a devoted parent!

Well... yesterday I enjoyed my day as I tried to catch up on some email and such... and for some reason.. I had this urge to crochet a doily. Now.. all you Doily experts... please don't scold me for making this one with yarn..... I didn't have any thread. I haven't made a doily in YEARS. So this is my first doily in a VERY long time. I used Caron SimplySoft yarn with an F hook and I think it came out GREAT. I'm rather proud of myself and immediately put it on our coffee table to show off and enjoy.

Okay... back to gettin' things done... more baseball games tonight... and I have the desire to make another Doily today.... after I put a few rows on a prayer blanket!!!
you all have a Fantastic Friday!
God Bless

**May our Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father, who loved us ... comfort you and
strengthen you in every good thing you do and say. ~ 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17**

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me.................

Happy Birthday To Me
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday To Me!!!

Praise God... another wonderful year!! How blessed am I!?! Wonderful family and friends. Beautiful home... loving husband... precious children and grandchildren.
I know this picture isn't very good.... it was a task to get everything in without crowding it. But this is what I have gotten for my birthday so far. Day isn't over yet.. you never know.... hehheheeeeee
I received 3 wonderful pictures in frames from my in-laws from their time spent here. I couldn't have asked for a better gift! I love pictures! They have always been special to me... but they mean so much more to me since daddy's passing. I received two super cute night shirts from my hubby and younger three boys. (one has coffee cups on it........ PERFECT) From some wonderful folks at church I received chocolate... pocket photo book.... scrapbook goodies... socks... towel and washcloth...lotion... dress... and a MICHAELS GIFT CARD (woohoo) My mommy gave me a beautiful handmade card with a little personal note that brought tears to my eyes.... along with cash that I could spend on ME.
What a grand day! God is SO GOOD!!! Blessed me with such wonderful people in my life! Most of all........ with all the mistakes I've made and will continue to make... He still loves me... forgives me and blesses me! I'm one lucky girl! I had a father here on earth that was the BEST EVER.... and I have my Father in heaven that is PERFECT! Praise God!

We did it ladies............. my mommy's comfortghan is DONE!
Thank you Thank you Thank you ... from the bottom of my heart! Without the help and encouragement from my C'ville friends... I would haven't been able to do this. The emotional trip this 'ghan took me though was tough!!!

Huge Thanks to:
Triskele (Rusty)...ScoobyDoo...crazyboutcrochet (Brenda)...Priszm...Eneida...croshay (Lisa)... sissie44... momwifeof4boys (Lea)...Yarnfeather (Heather)... Pat54... Caroline192... RoseRed... Daisy... Beckykwoolls (Karen)... jmccrochet... sfgwife... 2kute (Rose)... jessicagil... 7Paw(Sheree)... cdschlea (colleen)...Beth Eathorne...Susan...Debi B and last but not least... Jimbo (yup... you helped Jimbo.... you see I used your beautiful ChopHook to do the boarder... thank you)

All that's left now is to make my mommy a card... put her photo book together and wrap this all up. Be proud of yourselves ladies and gent.... we did a good thing here!!!

have a wonderful day... (I plan to)
God Bless you all!

Who are you?
The likelihood of anyone else in history having the same genetic make-up as you, is zero. You're not just another brick in the wall or another nail in the carpenter's toolbox. God "personally formed and made" you (Isaiah 43:7)You're the only 'you' He created, so if you fail to be who you are His kingdom won't benefit from your unique contribution. You're not your parents (which is good news for some of us!) or your Uncle Joe or Aunt Molly or somebody else you've been trying to please or model yourself on. It's okay to learn from others, but always be what God called you to be. The Bible says: "Don't compare yourself… take responsibility for doing the… best you can with your… life" (Galatians 6:4-5).

Monday, July 7, 2008


Good evening all...................*whew*
I hope everyone had a fabulous 4th of July!!! Thank you Lord God for your mercy and our freedom!!!

Well............ I'm taking a few minutes here to update my blog with a couple of WIP's!
This is a Prayer Blanket and hat for a little 15 mo. old girl named Charlotte. My hubby knows Charlotte's dad... and my sis-in-law is friends with the family. Charlotte was viciously attacked by a pit-bull last week. She has already had three surgeries for reconstruction on her head. And will have to undergo many more.
If you have a moment... a prayer or two for her would be wonderful!
I'm going to add the darker color to the blanket and a flower to the hat. I've asked my sis-in-law will deliver this gift for me.
This is Charlotte.... what a sweet little girl! Dear God... thank you for being close to her ... that she would walk away with injuries that can be fixed and not having her family plan a funeral!


oooooooooooooooooh.... its getting close!! Wow... look at how beautiful it is! My dear friends from C'ville.... you outdid yourself with these squares!

more rows added............
check out the boarder going on ..................... how exciting!
Back to work on my projects .....
have a wonderful evening everyone! Sleep well........... and may you have a Blessed tomorrow!

God Bless,
**So Christ has really set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don't get tied up again in slavery to the law.
~ Galatians 5:1**