Thursday, February 28, 2019

Thankful Thursday..................

  I am Thankful for.............

1) Gods forgiveness and Love

2) Coffee

3) Memories of my husband and how much he loved me ... and I him!

4) My beautiful children! They are one of the best things that has ever happen to me!

5) My 9 grandbabies.... they so precious

6) God walking right here with me as He guides me through the plan of my life He has for me.

7) Coffee.......... :)

8) The Sun shinning... air is calm and the show is glittering from the sun!

9) Awesome friends that lend their hand in time of need! (even when we dont think or realize we need it)

10) Being blessed with a crafty hand... so that I can create gifts for donating or for friends and family.

11) A giving heart

12) The healing power of God when we hurt! (emotionally or physically)

13) Every new day!!!

14) Coffee................ are you kidding me.... you knew it would be here more than once... :)

15) The trash guy! He has alot to pick up from us this time round... I've been busy.

16) God blessing my flower seed business and showing me how to re-work it.

17) Memories of my Daddy!

18) Forgiveness!  

19) ALL of my family!

20) Our Family Calendar/Journal. It holds all the memories we've made... I love looking back through it!!!

21) Each and every day I had with my husband!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you God for blessing a part of my life with him!!!

love you all.............

Be Thankful today............. even if its the littlest of things. A little gratefulness can go a long way!

God Bless

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Tearful Tuesday...................

~Good Morning all.................
I've been struggling so much lately.   I mean... I'm fine... I guess.   But I have had so many emotions running free more than usual lately.

I have been missing Ken so much! 
I've been doing a lot of reading lately trying to understand what my problem is.  I think what I've come to figure out is... I don't have a problem.... I'm grieving!  And although there are so many that think I should be 'over it'  I'll never be over missing Ken!
Grief is the natural and normal response to loss. Grief is often thought of as emotions—loneliness or sadness. In fact, grief is far more complex. Grief affects you at every level—physically, emotionally, cognitively, socially and spiritually. It influences the ways you think as well as the ways you behave.

Grief can make you feel unwell. You may experience a range of aches and pains—headaches, backaches, muscular pain, digestive difficulties or exhaustion. While physical reactions to loss are common, it is essential that you monitor your health carefully in the period following the death of your spouse.
You may experience feelings as you cope with the loss of your spouse. Some are clearly expected. It is easy to understand the loneliness, the yearning, and the sadness.

Other feelings may be surprising. You may be unprepared for the anger you may feel—shocked that your temper seems to run so short. Anger is a natural response to loss, a feeling that arises from having someone once so important disappear from your life.
While anger is a normal reaction as you grieve, it can be problematic if it turns into blaming or driving others away and thus deprives you of support—separating you from those you most need in your journey through grief.

Sometimes the anger can be directed inward—at yourself. Guilt too is a common response to grief.  You cannot control these feelings. Guilt does not have to have a rational basis to be experienced as real, but sometimes it does help to move outside of yourself – to ask yourself if others would see you as guilty.
Jealousy, anxiety and fear
You may feel jealous of others who still have their spouse. Jealousy may not only surprise but also disturb. At other times, you may be gripped by a great anxiety and fear—wondering how you will survive alone.

You may find it difficult to focus or concentrate. You may seem forgetful—going downstairs, for example, only to forget your reason for going there when you arrive. You may constantly think about your loss—rehashing painful details in your mind.
Nor is it unusual to have experiences that evoke your spouse. Dreams, for example, are not uncommon. You even may hear a voice or sound that reminds you of your spouse.
Some may find great strength in beliefs. They sustain you as you struggle with your loss and grief. You may find your spirituality deepen—attending worship, praying or reading scripture—even more frequently than you did in the past.
Others may find their spirituality threatened. You may struggle with anger at God and have doubts about your prior beliefs. You may be confused over why the person suffered so and why you also seem to be suffering so greatly. You may find it difficult to connect with your previous beliefs and find little comfort at this time in your faith.
These are all ways that you may journey with grief. It is important to remember that there is no single, right way to experience grief. Your experience of grief is what it is. It comes from who you are.So many times as you grieve, you will hear people, often well-meaning folks, tell you of how you are supposed to be feeling or how you should be reacting. Yet there is no one, single way to grieve, no set of predictable responses or preset stages. Your pathway through grief will be as distinct and unique as you are.
The experience of grief may often be described as a roller coaster—full of ups and downs, highs and lows. On some days you may feel that you are doing well—only to plunge into a deepened sense of grief. Some of these low periods are predictable—you may expect holidays, birthdays and anniversaries to be difficult. Others may hit you by surprise.
Remember that building a relationship with your spouse took years. It may have begun as a friendly encounter, developed into a romantic courtship and then continued to change and to develop in the years of marriage. Grieving over the loss of that relationship takes time as well.
I'm not over you Ken!!!!  I miss you!!!  💔
All my Love..............
Tammy 💜

Monday, February 25, 2019

Make a Difference Monday.............

~Good Afternoon…………………….
Whew…. What a weekend!!!  Snow … Snow … Snow everywhere!
Its getting crazy... we're running out of places to pile the snow! 
So after the snow finally stopped.... it was time to go out and shovel.
My mom... my two youngest and myself shoveled and shoveled....we were struggling.  Had to take breaks to often!  We got the attention of a guy on a bobcat cleaning the roads around my moms place and asked if he could help a bit digging us out.  He got a nice path made down the house driveway.   Then went and helped us down at the bottom garage driveway!   THANK YOU neighbor!  You definitely "made a difference"! 

This is Saturday Night......
Then we have Sunday morning........

And we're calling it a day........................

Then came Monday..............
made it to work on some kinda scary roads. 
But had a great day at work!  😀
* Make a difference today for someone... you never know how much of a difference it may make!
God Bless you all............


Friday, February 22, 2019

The Gift of God's Grace.........

~Grace, which comes from the Greek New Testament word charis, is God's unmerited favor. It is kindness from God that we don't deserve. There is nothing we have done, nor can ever do to earn this favor. It is a gift from God. Grace is divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration rebirth or sanctification; a virtue coming from God; a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine favor.
Webster's New World College Dictionary provides this theological definition of grace: "The unmerited love and favor of God toward human beings; divine influence acting in a person to make the person pure, morally strong; the condition of a person brought to God's favor through this influence; a special virtue, gift, or help given to a person by God."
God's Grace and Mercy In Christianity, God's grace and God's mercy are often confused. Although they are similar expressions of his favor and love, they possess a clear distinction. When we experience God's grace, we receive favor that we do not deserve. When we experience God's mercy, we are spared punishment that we do deserve.
Amazing Grace God's grace is truly amazing. Not only does it provide for our salvation, it enables us to live an abundant life in Jesus Christ
2 Corinthians 9:8
And God is able to make all grace abound to you so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.
God's grace is available to us at all times, for every problem and need we face. God's grace frees us from slavery to sin, guilt, and shame. God's grace allows us to pursue good works. God's grace enables us to be all that God intends us to be. God's grace is amazing indeed.
Many Blessings to you all

Thursday, February 21, 2019

~ Thankful Thursday..........

Very Thankful Thursday!
I’m thankful for ……
… GOD!!!  He is so good!!! Thank you for allowing me to be angry and loving me through it!
… coffee!
… my lawyer – things are finally coming to an end and getting settled!
… my boss – I couldn’t ask for a better boss or place to work!  I am beyond blessed with First Command!!
… Loving family
… caring friends
… Prayers
… more coffee
… being able to function through this headache so I can do my job and get home to relax
… memories
… God reminding me why I should be thankful when I sometimes don’t feel like it.
… another pot of coffee brewing
… the sun shining even on this crazy winter day
… getting another crochet project done!
… my mom!!!!  I love her so very much!!!
… my precious children!!!
… God’s word….    ~ Do you not know?  Have you not heard?  The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.  He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.  – Isaiah 40:28 ~


A quick little SHOW & SHARE
Filet Heart Lap/Baby Blanket

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«´¨`·.¸¸.*Tam*·¸¸ ..´¨`»
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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Wintery Wednesday............

Good Morning…………
Wow… what a snow drop we had last night! Let the shoveling commence.
I have such a wonderful boss!  I got a text telling me to stay home where I’m safe and warm.  So … after we get the shoveling done around here… I’m going to spend my day working on flower seed orders and maybe get a little crocheting time in!  I have Christmas gifts I want to work on and a blanket that is just about done for the “gift drawer”.
So…………. This is just a couple pictures of the new snow we found on the deck.

And……….. here is a clean driveway after we worked hard to clear it!

Time to go have a cup of cocoa and tend to orders!
Stay safe and warm everyone ….


Sunday, February 17, 2019

Friday, February 15, 2019

Freebie Friday.............

Good Morning everyone!  Well… I’m feeling a bit more myself today.  Yesterday was just tough!   I had a lovely dinner at home with my mom… and two youngest boys.  Even though I cried myself to sleep last night…. I had a wonderful evening of laughing!  My boys are so silly!!!   Laughing and crying are good for the soul! 
Today I’m going to share a free crochet pattern.  I love all the different crochet flower patterns that are out there… so  HERE is one for you to play with! 



Happy Crocheting
God Bless

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day.............

   is each year on February 14th, many people exchange cards, candy, gifts or flowers with their special “valentine.” The day of romance we call Valentine’s Day is named for a Christian martyr and dates back to the 5th century, but has origins in the Roman holiday Lupercalia.
This is the 3rd Valentine without my love.  No exchange of cards.. candy... gifts or flowers. 
I sit here with my memories of past Valentine Days and slightly smile through my tears.   Ken was so determine to be a romantic man that he even bought a book for himself a “how to” book one year.   Silly man… he didn’t need that book… but it was fun.  
I miss him so much.  Today is so hard.  Flowers being delivered… people wishing a Happy Valentine’s Day… banners and advertisement everywhere…. And I don’t have my Valentine. 
Don’t get me wrong… I don’t begrudge all the loves out there to have their special day.  I hope this is the best Valentine’s Day for everyone.  
For me…  my Valentine is in Heaven. 
Ken.... I miss you so much!!  I miss your silly smile... your crazy laugh... your jokes only you thought were funny... LOL   I miss your hugs... the way you held my hand... the way you looked at me with that love in your eyes.... the way we would always make up after a fuss.  I miss sharing our children with you... talking about how absolutely proud of them we are!  All our hopes and dreams for them... and our unconditional love for them... who they are and who they will become!   I miss our talks about our plans of growing old together... now I'm growing old alone.  

Forgive my sad Valentine post ...  and I'm not after sympathy... Just wanted to share a piece of my life and to let others who are in this same place.... you're not the only one!

Many Blessings to you all

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Missing Piece..................

A man and a Cross, both with a missing piece.
In every heart there is a missing piece that only JESUS can fill. In the Cross, there is a piece that only a unsaved person can fill. Every life put on this earth, GOD had a plan, a purpose for each, you are that missing piece and the only way for both to be one, is for man to receive in his heart the piece that is missing. When he does, the man, the c...ross, become whole and each has fulfilled its purpose. JESUS did the work on the cross, fulfilled GOD's perfect plan, but the plan cannot be effective until we receive what GOD intended. GOD has a missing piece in his heart that only you can fill, you have a missing piece in your heart that only GOD can fill, come to JESUS and be made whole today❤️

Blessings to you all

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Friday, February 8, 2019

Freebie Friday..........

TGIF!!! J  Hope everyone is having a great Friday so far. 
The sun in bright today.. but the temps are low!  4*…. Brrr
I wanted to share a free crochet pattern with you today.  I found the pattern HERE on Ravelry.  
It’s one of my WIPs. 

Happy Crocheting!

God Bless you all

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Thankful Thursday......


~  Good Morning family and friends!
My goodness… the wind was blowing pretty good on the way into work today!  The roads weren’t too bad… a few slick spots along the way…mostly corners where the snow had been packed down. 
So being today is Thankful Thursday… I have to say that I am very thankful that I made it safely to work and all my children are safe and sound!
I’m thankful for my Lord God who loves me like no one else can. He watches over me and my family… protects us and always has His arms open wide ready to hold us close!  I’m thankful for a fresh cup of coffee first thing in the morning while having some quality time with my mom before we start our busy days!   I’m thankful for the mornings I can catch a hug from my two youngest on our way out to work.  I love my children all so very much!!!  Everyday I’m still amazed at what wonderful adults they have and are growing up to be!!  My life is my children and grandchildren!  God Blessed me with them and I couldn’t be more thankful!  I’m so thankful that God put Ken in my life!  My sweet man… I miss him so much!   Through all our ups and downs…God was always in the middle. We could get through anything together.  I sure hope that he knew how much I loved him!  I’m thankful for my flower seed business! Its doing well for bringing in a little side money.   I’m thankful for our wonderful Vet.  He will be taking good care of our sweet kitty Charlie who passed away last week.  We should have him back with our family on Monday!  I’m thankful to have such a wonderful job! The folks I work with and for are just outstanding!  Its definitely a family atmosphere!  I’m thankful that I’m getting my crochet projects done!  I love new yarn… new patterns and the smiles of faces when I’m able to give them a finished item.  I’m so very thankful for my mom!!  She is my rock.  She’s my best friend!  I miss my daddy something awful and I know my mom misses him even more.  I wish he was here to be with her… but God had other plans!  So… my mom and I take care of each other until we see our Loves again someday in Heaven!  I’m thankful for my church!  Hearing the word of God … spending time praising and worshiping!  Thankful for my daily verse of the day from my bible app. 
~ Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.  – Psalm 143:10 ~


God Bless

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

WIP Wednesday................


~   Good Morning on this cold and snowy day. 
I was thinking about today’s blog post last night while working on a crochet WIP…. and along with yesterdays bible verse running through my head.
~ being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus - Philippians 1:6 ~
I found myself relating the two.   W.I.P. (work in progress)   Just as I have crochet WIPs…. I am God’s WIP.   
I pick up a skein of yarn and a crochet hook and start with small stitches as my foundation… working in many different sizes of stitches depending on the need for the pattern.  I keep working until its done and  just the way I intended for it to be.  
God does this same thing.   Created us from the small pieces of the earths foundation.  Leading us and guiding to form us into His child… on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus !

My WIP’s……..

Pink c2c baby blanket

Filet Heart baby blanket/lap’ghan

2019 Christmas Gift ~ Christmas Stocking - #5 of 32

God’s WIP’s………

Many Blessings to all you WIPs!!


Monday, February 4, 2019

Mind Rambling Monday......


~ Good Morning all……
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!!  Our weekend was filled with fun of having my daughter and her newest baby come stay for a couple nights while her hubby got over some bug he caught. 
Having that sweet little grandbaby around helped from the sadness I had about our Kitty passing!!!

The weather was outstanding … sun shinning and the temps up in the 50’s!

I did have quiet time to really reflect on some things going on in my life and just other things in general.  I’ve been struggling with so many different things in my life which all seem to overlap at any given time.  I have given them all to God… but that doesn’t mean that things that are said or things that people do or don’t do … don’t still hurt. 
I know no one is perfect… my goodness we all make mistakes!  I’ve made my share!  I have regrets for things I’ve said or done…but I can’t go back and undo them… its over…but what I can do and have done is… I’ve apologized if needed … I’ve asked God’s forgiveness and learned from the mistake to never do it again.
God does forgive us… hopefully we forgive ourselves and others forgive us!
The list of things going in my life right now seem endless.   But the truth is.. it does have an end… and God can and will take care of all of it!   I completely trust that! 
I know Satan wants me to believe differently.  But I refuse!!! God is my Lord and Savior... I trust in Him alone!  I know he's got my back... always!  Satan will talk in my ear every day... every minute ... and sometimes I will become weak and start to listen... But with Gods help... I'm pulled away from Satan and God stands between me and Satan.
I find myself remembering a song/video that I saw a handful of years ago.  It just sticks with me all the time when I find myself struggling with Satan.  Although Satan will play with my head... God will always have my heart!

Thank you my dear followers for letting me have a day of ramblings!
God Bless you all!
Have a marvelous Monday!

Lifehouse - Everything song/video

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Friday, February 1, 2019

Fur Baby............ Good Morning…

Well… it’s a rough day today.  Our beloved family cat Charlie passed away yesterday!  So all my friends and family out there…. If you wouldn’t mind saying a little prayer for my family… I would very much appreciate it!

God Bless