Tuesday, July 30, 2019

.:: HaPpY bIrThDaY in Heaven..........

🎈Happy Birthday Daddy!  
I miss you so much!!!🎈

🎈Happy Birthday Aunt Joyce!
I miss you so much!!!🎈
hugs .. love & blessings
•¨¯`•  Tammy •¨¯`•

Friday, July 26, 2019

Knit Together in Love

“I want them to be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love.” Colossians 2:2 

Knitting is a worshipful experience that blesses not only the receiver but the giver as well.
Encouraging the hearts of others by lovingly knitting into their lives is both rewarding and
God Uses Everything!  Whenever I read Colossians 2:2, I imagine all believers “knit together” with an invisible thread of Christ’s Love. The verse comes alive as I ponder the comparison to the tools used in knitting. God fashions something exceptional with the instruments He uses.

  • Knitting Pattern – God uses each person’s uniqueness—physical characteristics, personality, and style, as well as skills, talents, and spiritual gifts. He uses the creativity He gives each person to make a difference in someone else’s life. (Psalm 139:13)
  • Yarn and Threads – God’s Immeasurable Love is the invisible fiber or cord that makes loops and stitches to wind through each believer’s spirit and connect with other like-minded souls. (Ecclesiastes 4:12)
  • Knitting Needles – The Holy Spirit encourages our hearts and produces incredible beautifully-woven fabric (the church) that captures the attention of the people around us and draws them to Him. Like knitted fabric that returns to its original shape after stretching, The Spirit also uses the elasticity of patience, gentleness, and self-control, to keep the church from unraveling. (Galatians 5:22-23)

You don’t have to be a knitter or needle worker to receive God’s Love and Truth from this daily devotional and others like it.

He can change your life through these readings, even if you’ve never picked up knitting needles and yarn or have no desire to do so. But, if you stitch, He can combine your love of knitting with your belief and faith in Him that blesses others and you!
Huge hugs…
Lots of Love &
Bountiful Blessings to you all


Thursday, July 25, 2019

Thankful Thursday..................

Today I am thankful for...…………..

* God!!!
* coffee
* lunch plans with my youngest baby
* getting some crochet and knitting items done
* my mommy
* my beautiful children
* my sweet grandbabies
* church service tonight
* more coffee
* my scale reading 5lbs less
* tomorrow being Friday 
* a wonderful week of cooler weather
* my laptop
* more coffee!!!
* payday coming soon
* all you readers!!

What are you all Thankful for?

hugs.... love & blessings
Tammy 💖

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

WIP Wednesday..............

   ☕~ Good morning...……….
its a good day to get some WIP's done.  Lets start with this one.  :)   I need to get these stockings done!  I have a few that I ran out of yarn on … or just needed the white cuff added to.  This one I ran out of red... finished that... then put the cuff on...and...………………….
...…. Tah Dah.... this one is Done!!!!
So.... on to another one!   :)
I have a few other projects that need get done too … some I need to finish... a couple I need to start and get done ASAP!     Crocheting and Knitting... that's what I do!

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone...… :)
Blessings to you all

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Terrific Tuesday................

Good afternoon everyone …..
Hope the day has started out great for you all!   My day sure did.
Each month in the office we celebrate birthdays.  Well this month along with one of our Advisors is my birthday...  :)
So...………. the celebrating started first thing this morning for me...………………..

Then the party of cards... singing... cake... and fun began!
Special cupcakes just for me!!!  
I love my job... my boss... my coworkers/office family!!

Have an awesomely blessed rest of your day!
(`'·.¸(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´) ¸.·'´)
«´¨`·.¸¸.*Tam*·¸¸ ..´¨`»
(¸.·'´(¸.·'´ `'·.¸)`'·.¸)

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Thankful Thursday..............

~ Good Morning..... 
Wow... the weather sure has taken a turn to being constantly HOT... and even without AC in my truck.... I'm still Thankful!!

I'm Thankful ……

~ for my Father God that relieved my headache enough this morning so that I could function at work today
~ for coffee
~ for Church Service tonight
~ I have a wonderful job and great friends there
~ I have found some new great tasting low carb recipes
~ the flower seed orders are still coming in!
~ for audio bible
~ for more coffee
~ for my calendar / journal
~ for one day at a time to keep praying and letting God be my one and only Savior
~ for lunch time
~ that this week so far has been easy and successful for my dieting!
~ for more coffee
~ for getting some crochet projects done lately
~ that the windows all work in my truck since the AC doesn't
~ for prayers

Have a wonderfully Thankful day everyone!
Stay safe from the heat!

God Bless you all!
Tammy 💕

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Condolences end.............

……. but being a widow doesn't

Year One of widowhood, the year when the grief is obvious and raw and ugly, gets all the support and attention. But Year Two & Three is just as hard, and in some ways, it is lonelier.
In the first few months of the first year, people check in constantly. They call, text, bring food, plan girls’ weekends and excuse — even support — the shuffling around in pajamas crying each day as we wait for the black, hollow feeling to lift.
From that point.... they get back to their lives and leave you to tend to yourself... alone.
The Year Two/Three widow, however, is comparatively abandoned to the continued reality of a new and unfamiliar life. We are among the “walking wounded,” those largely without outward signs of trauma (weight regained, estate settled, tears more easily stifled) but who are still under equal, if different, strain.
We're given this  idea that passing the one-year mark means the hard part is over, like crossing the finish line of a particularly grueling marathon, or getting to the front of the line at Target on a Saturday. But it is not over.
The one-year anniversary of a spouse’s death is not a benchmark for being healed. It’s merely the day after day 364, followed by 366, 367 and so on. For widows, anticipating relief upon the one-year mark is to be lulled, then hoodwinked, by a false target that implies to others, and even us, that we must be out of the woods, and thus less in need of continued support.
Year One is a struggle merely to eat, merely to get dressed in the morning, merely to think straight while confronting a crushing list of knife-twisting administrative to-dos, like car title transfers and insurance claims and endless calls to robotic customer service reps to tell them to cancel your husband’s account/subscription/delivery because he is dead.
By Year Two....Three -  those things are largely resolved. No small feat, yet it is all replaced by an equally daunting, though less obvious, list of onward years to-dos, like learning to live with a new, solo identity after years of partnership. Like knowing that other people must think you should be functioning and working at a back-to-normal level again, and being ashamed and frustrated that you are just not. Like facing the immutable truth that he is still — still! — gone, always will be, and there is nothing you can do about it.
In other words, if Year One of widowhood is a struggle for survival, The next years to come are equally difficult.... struggling to begin living life again. It is hard. Our spouses just keep being dead.
Some days I do not care about anything. Some days, I am tired — tired of fighting my way forward, tired of feeling untethered, tired of not knowing how to configure the printer, tired of figuring out all the finances, tired of needing the television on, tired of taking the trash out myself, tired of still having to cancel his mail, tired of everyone else having a spouse, tired of missing Ken. Just tired.
Bedtime alone is still hard. When I awaken in the middle of the night in a lonely panic, I listen to audio-bible or watch Netflix  until my mind drifts to the story and away from my endless loop of “what will I do with the rest of my life … why can’t you be stronger.
It is a common refrain among widows that support tends to fall way off after a year. I wish more friends and family would reach out like they did early on. One friend used to send texts containing nothing more than emoji hearts, but it was enough. Some sent me articles or books they thought might help; others called to take me to lunch or dinner. Eating across from an empty chair — and knowing the reason for the empty chair — is difficult. Always initiating plans is tiring.
I want someone to really ask how I am doing, and say Ken's name or talk about him freely. It keeps him alive. I know people are trying not to upset me by bringing him up, but I promise, he is already on my mind.
I do not blame my friends for their increased absence. Supporting a grieving friend long term requires time and stamina.  There’s an emotional limit, as friends and family look to return to the safety of equilibrium. There’s an intellectual limit..... How could others understand the breadth of such a loss unless they have gone through it? Spousal grief is like Vegas: One must experience it personally to really understand how huge and overwhelming it is.
The widow’s journey is a complicated and lengthy one.
As I settle in each night with a cup of coffee... one of our favorite Netflix shows and my crochet.... I look across the room at one of his pictures and tell him,  “I am trying my very best, my love! " 

ich liebe dich Ken!
•¨¯`•  T •¨¯`•