Monday, May 13, 2024

HaPpY BiRtHdAy.....


💔 Another Birthday goes by that I cant spoil you by making your favorite dinner... going to a movie and eating the most buttery popcorn... baking your favorite cake... snuggling in to watch our favorite crime show and telling you how much I love you! I miss you so much Ken!! Every year it hurts more not having you here! There are so many days I still dont understand why God needed you home! Happy Birthday in Heaven my love!!!
~ ich liebe dich ~ 💕😘💕

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day.....


Happy Mother's Day to all you lovely Moms out there!!!
I hope you have a wonderful day!
I am so blessed to have my mom with me and to be a mom to the most amazing children in the world!!! They are smart... kind... loving... and just make me so very proud!!!

I know for some of you ... today may not be something you find a day you want to celebrate... and for whatever reason that may be.... (((((HUGE HUGS TO YOU)))))
 Love you all...

Monday, May 6, 2024

Happy Monday…

 Good afternoon family…

Jumping on here real quick to say HI and give you a little update on something fun.

My mom…daughter and myself are trying our hand at a little shop of our crafts.   I just opened it over the weekend so it only has a few things in it.  So if you have a minute… go check it out.😉.  Coffeen’Crafts 

I’m really excited to see where this might go! 

We’ll be doing some videos and Lives on FB and TikTok.  I’ll keep ya’ll updated on when that happens.  We’ll play games give tutorials and just spend some time crafting and chatting together.

We’ll all….back to work!   I’ll catch up with you later!

Hugs…love…& blessings 


Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Happy May Day

 “May is the month of expectation, 
the month of wishes,
 the month of hope.”

Many May Blessings

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Starting all over... in the middle


☕Good Morning my beautiful family and friends.
Here we are mid-April of 2024. Life sure has been crazy and the time has flown by!
Now that the dust has settled on life... Here we are to pick up and move forward with a bang.
So here we go! Here is a short list of what will be happening...

On my FB pg Coffee n' Crafts there will be...
1) Lots of things for sale
2) Fun games with fun prizes
3) Written and video tutorials
4) Live "Hang out" nights
5) Sharing... Love & Support!

On my FB pg that I have just recently started MyFlowerGrounds...

1) Postings of Seeds that will be "ON SALE"
2) Hints and How to's
3) Fun games with fun prizes
4) Pictures and videos of seedlings
5) Sharing... Love & Support

Many Blessings to you all
(((hugs & love)))

Monday, January 1, 2024



Love you all.............. Have the best 2024 Ever!!!



Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Starting off my Tuesday.....

 ..... bright and early going to get blood work done before heading to work.

Then getting COFFEE once I got clocked in.  

Whew .... what a way to start a day!   
I hope everyone has a great day today!!
I've been looking at getting some new clothes.  Kinda need to redo my wardrobe a bit since surgery.   With being healthy now ... I've lost all the edema and some extra weight.  The Doctors are all so pleased with how I'm doing!!!  I'm feeling better and better with each passing day!  

This evening I hope to have some time to sew after dinner and I get my flower seed orders done!  I have some gifts I would like to make and some fun stuff for my mom and I that I would like to get done also!

Well... on to my day!
Catch ya'll later!
Have a wonderfully blessed day!!!


Tuesday, November 29, 2022


 HiHo everyone.   Hope you are all doing well.

I'm doing quite well!  Being back to work feels great... even if it is only half days for now!
I have to say... I was a bit surprised that I remembered how to do everything!  😁
Even my little Miss Molly has gotten back into routine with me going back to work!
She's such a spoiled little sweetheart!!

Well... now its time for me to get some work done on my flower seeds.  

I'm hungry too.... lol  
Should go find something to eat first.   Hmmm?  What to have?   Maybe a nice bowl of soup on a cool day like today? 

Have a great rest of your day everyone!!!

God Bless <><
