Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Wintery Wednesday............

Good Morning…………
Wow… what a snow drop we had last night! Let the shoveling commence.
I have such a wonderful boss!  I got a text telling me to stay home where I’m safe and warm.  So … after we get the shoveling done around here… I’m going to spend my day working on flower seed orders and maybe get a little crocheting time in!  I have Christmas gifts I want to work on and a blanket that is just about done for the “gift drawer”.
So…………. This is just a couple pictures of the new snow we found on the deck.

And……….. here is a clean driveway after we worked hard to clear it!

Time to go have a cup of cocoa and tend to orders!
Stay safe and warm everyone ….


1 comment:

chrissie said...

Looks like a lot of work to clear all the snow but great that you got the time off work.

Have a great weekend

Love Chrissie xx