A Challenge ....
21 Prayer Blankets made by Christmas!
Now that sounds like a challenge all in itself... but here is the real Challenge.
To see how many blankets I can get help with. The Prayer Blankets I make are 12 point stars for Children with Nephrotic Syndrome.
As of right now.. I have 1 completed... and 1 90% done.
I have delivered several in the past.. but need to get more done. I'm wondering ... if anyone has a 12 point star started and set it aside... maybe you don't want to finish it... maybe you started it and don't know what you were going to do with it. Well... how about sending your started/unfinished blanket to me? I'll finish it to size and send it along to the hospital.
OR........ maybe you have one finished and don't have a home for it... I can find it a home. :)
OR.... maybe you love to do charity work and would like to make one and send it my way.
Whatever the case... I would love the help... would love the variety .... would love to meet this goal..... most of all I would love to share love and prayers to the children through the blankets.
Anyone up for the challenge?
God Bless you all..................
have a wonderful night... sleep well........ and wake refreshed.
<>< Tam
*"Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak."
~ Mark 14:38*
hey babe I just found your blog:)
this is a good challenge have you gotten any help with it yet?
I have never made one and do not have a pattern yet but i might be able to get one done for you in between all these Lapghans I am making for christmas as well:))
sissie.. you are an angel sent to bless me! Thank you!!
Sissie pointed me your way after reading my blog. I'd be happy to try to help. Any specific colors. I may only be able to get one done.
Joyce ... Thank you!!!
Any and all colors are welcome!
If you get to a point where you dont think you'll get it finished.. send it my way.. I'll get it done. Having half started ones will be a huge help in getting my challenge of 21 done!
thanks again dear.
OK, will PM you at the 'ville when I need your addy. I don't think I still have it.
I'll make one of the prayer blankets with you! Can you send me the pattern?
Holly ... are you on C'ville?
if so ... PM me and I'll send along the pattern for this! Bless you dear... thank you!!!!
Sissie, pointed me your way. I have one complete for you. Please PM your addy Thanks
Hi Tam,
I followed your link from Team Afghan. I would love to make a prayer shawl for you. Can you send me a pattern at wsmarple@gmail.com?
Wendy (WendySue at Crochetville)
thank you thank you thank you all!!
Meegan.. you're an angel.
Wendy... I emailed you.. .thank you so much for wanting to help!
God Bless each of you wonderful ladies.
Very nice. Tammy spotted the circle square squares you donated for Sissie's nursing home project. Could you share the link or pattern you used? I love it!
Please stop in for a visit, welcome mats always out.
i will make one i just need to know the pattern. i just started this stuff and i want to learn how to do more stuff than just a hat. send me the pattern and i would like to make one and send it to you for the hospital.
I would love to send you the pattern and get more help! if you would just email me at tc12846@alltel.net I will send it along!
Thanks so much! I appreciate this very much!
God Bless!!!
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