Most of these things are a few rows shy or just in need of buttons/embellishments in order to be DONE. I need to get this moving.. get these things finished and given away... or put away. Okay ladies from Crochetville.......... I sure hope you help me stay strong and focused... cuz I'm pretty much a basket case right now... and I'm feeling like getting this all started and accomplished may be what I need to keep my mind focused on God. You see... the talent I have for Crocheting/knitting or any of my other crafts all are a gift from God... so if I stay focused on my WIP and get them done... I will be staying focused on God and the real reason I'm here. When my mind is idle ... satan sure does a job on me.
So.................. here is a pile of WIP... bagged... tagged and logged into my crochet notebook.
God Bless to all!!!!
Where are your eyes? Where are you looking? Who are you focused on?
Those are very important questions..... and can mean the world and your life to you.
Do you hang your head and look down... always sad... stressing?
Do you look out in the midst of nowhere ... leaving your mind idle?
Do you focus on people with bad attitudes... anger issues... questionable morals?
Those are open doors to Satan! Welcoming him in to create destruction in your and your loved ones lives.
Do you hold your head high... confident and ready to move on to the next task?
Do you look up... seeing the tall trees full of brand new life... the skies full of wonder?
Do you focus on God? The creator of all.... the one that will keep the doors closed to satan... and the windows of your heart open to create life and love... so that others will see God through you!!!!
Take a minute and look up today... you may be surprised at who you find.
hugs and blessings!
I hope your baby gets better soon
Oh your WIP pile doesn't look too bad. I love how you baged and labeled them all. I read that idea on Crochetville but not sure if I want to tackle that yet.
And yes make that water carrier now. Take care.
I LOVE YER BLOG! Everything is so beautiful and uplifting! (((((HUGS))))) sandi
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