This baby blanket that I had sitting around... so close to being done.. but NOT... is now DONE!
It's nothing fancy... just a basket weave/waffle stitch... bordered with a cluster stitch... But its DONE. Did I mention that I finished this baby blanket? :)
I will now tuck it away in the tote with the other FINISHED items I have for future use.
I received the sweetest Thank You card and gifts in the mail recently. Remember those Charity Squares for Cancer my daughter and I made? "Hooking for a Cure" That's why I got the card and gifts. The card alone was a precious gift... but then inside I found these BEAUTIFUL items..... a book thong and a stitch marker. I was going to use the book thong for my bible... but then I remembered that my Cousin sent me a book in the mail also just recently... and I decided to use it there first. The stitch marker.... well......... its been used a few times now... holding my place while I tend to other things. I think my daughter wants to use the book thong next... so I wonder if it will ever find its way to my bible... hehehheeheheee
Bonnie and Daisy..............Thank you for my Thank you!!!! I appreciate the card and gifts... and I was more than happy to help with the cause in what little way I could! God Bless you ladies!!!
Okay... off to see what other WIP I can add too... or even finish! Oh man... that feels good!!!!
Have a FaBuLoUs DaY!!!
God Bless!!!!!
**When you go through deep waters, I will be with you...
~ Isaiah 43:2~**
1 comment:
very nice! and i love that book :)
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