Thursday, November 29, 2018

Day #29.................

   ~ 30 Days of Thanks....... Day#29

Thankful for.......

... God Almighty
... that first cup of coffee for the day
... Family!  No matter how often you talk or get together... they are still there... you're still loving each other... and you still miss them when they're gone!   RIP Uncle Ron! 💔
... sweaters to keep me warm
... continued plans to get more organizing done this weekend
... coffee coffee coffee
... portable phone chargers
... making plans for Christmas... $ is tight.. but the love is overflowing!
... dreams! The ones where your children are all home for the holidays... your loved ones in heaven are here holding you close & and all your troubles are far gone.
... warm comfy clothes to snuggle in when I get home from work
... more coffee
... grocery list to help keep me on target with what I really need :)
... being able to peak in on my son Patrick on his gaming stream once in a while just to see his face!
... my family!!!

~ For it is with your heart that  you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. - Romans 10:10 ~

Have a very Thankful Thursday ... God Bless

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