Monday, June 3, 2019

Fighting Satan.....

    ......Can be so tough sometimes!! I have to keep reminding myself I am God's child!! Not Satan's!!

The battle is not mine... its the Lord's.  Whenever I feel like giving up or giving in... remember that my strength comes from the Lord!  Whenever I'm down and out and can't seem to pick myself up... remember that my strength comes from the Lord!  When I feel weak and overwhelmed... remember that my strength comes from the Lord!  Don't dare give up!  God has amazing things in store for me!  During the battle... the Lord will fight for me!  During the trial... the Lord will strengthen me!  During the test... the Lord will encourage me!  I shall be a conqueror, I am a part of a royal priesthood, I am the head and not the tail, I shall prevail in this life, I will defeat the enemy and I will inherit eternal life.. through Christ Jesus our Lord!

This weekend was really rough!!  I was weak... I gave up...gave in.  
I have to remind myself... I'm a weak human... that's why I NEED God!  Satan is so good at turning that against me though!  Using my weakness to tell me I'm not worthy of God!  Satan is a liar!!
Please... if you're struggling with Satan and his lies....
Don't Give Up!
Give It To God!!!

We can do this together!!!

Hugs ... Love & Blessings
Tammy 💕

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