Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Christ Is The Cure

-- There is much that ails this old sinful world. The problems... sickness and destruction of man unto man can be read everyday in the newspapers. Where does it all end? What or who is the cure? The Lord Jesus Christ is our everything. He is our Creator, Commander, Controller - He is our Cure.

He is the cure for a doubtful future. Look what is taking place in the world today! He is the cure for a drifting family... a wayward husband... a lonely wife... a rebellious son or daughter.The safest place you can put your family is in the hands of Jesus. Some parents are dependent on schools or doctors. Yes those things can be helpful... but the one and only teacher and healer is our Lord Jesus Christ. A man once said, "You can't take anything to Heaven with you." But he was wrong. You can take your family. Is your family in? Christ is the cure for ALL family problems.

Christ is the cure for a disturbed friend. Some turn to drugs... liquor... sex... and crime. "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus" Phil 4:7 He is the cure for a dull existence. We can have a victorious life in Christ. HIS joy is insurmountable and immeasurable. Are you praying for your friends? If not you... who will?
Christ is the cure for ALL illnesses... physical or emotional! We are created in His image... just a guess... but Christ isnt ill from cancer ... or depressed. Focus on Christ.... not the illness. The illness is of Satan!

"For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world:and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith," I John 5:4 No matter what happens to me in life - heaven is my home and the devil can't take that away from me! Or you!
hugs... love & blessings,
**If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.
~ Jeremiah 29:13**


Diane said...

What an encouraging and uplifting post! I so needed this today. My dear husband went home to be with the Lord on Jan. 26 after a long battle with liver disease. He had gotten really sick in 2006 and became septic. This poisoned his liver and set the liver failure into motion. It took another 3 years for him to die because 1) The Lord still had a purpose for hhis being here and 2) He fought valiantly to stay with me. He always told me "Di, I'm not afraid of dying; I know I'm going to be with the Lord when the time comes. I just don't want to leave you." What a precious thing to have a wonderful man love you like that for nearly 36 years! Your post today reminded that all that has happened in my life over the past couple of weeks has been in the Lord's plan and He still has a purpose for me here! Thank you!


Dragonflymom said...

I'm tagging you....go to my blog and follow the rules for the 6th picture challege!

ugh you have been tagged already.I am so slow!!! LOL