Tuesday, December 24, 2013

~Good Moring......

Well....here we are.... Christmas Eve. Tomorrow is the day we all celebrate our Saviors birth. I can't even begin to express how thankful I am for the birth of Gods son....yet so many of us are struggling with being thankful and celebrating right now with the most recent tragedies that has ripped through our small community!
But.... This is what I'm thankful for........
~ my... sweet Michael having the biggest ...tender...God trusting heart! He comes to me trying to understand why God didn't save one of his friends who was on life support. I explained the best I could how God did save her and from her... Others!!
~ my dear friend David! He is a good strong man and though suffering himself right now...will be the biggest pillar of love and support to our children. I wish I was home to give him a hug!
~ all the rescue folks that volunteer their time to help others!! May God hug you a little tighter today! 
~ my sweet family Sheri and Megan for tending to the Carlton kritters during all that is going on in their own lives! Love you two!
~ Ken being cancer free this Christmas and us being able to spend it outside of a hospital room!
~ our Heavenly Father who is the best parent of all.... Knowing what is best for us and loving us the way He does!

~*~ Merry Christmas Eve friends and family! I love you all and am very thankful to have you all a part of my life! ~*~
hugs... love... & blessings...

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