Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Thankful for........

... Coffee!
... a lovely sunny day today!
... baseball games tonight!...
... getting through Fathers Day without crying in front of anyone! I miss you daddy!
... a perfect day yesterday of meeting and visiting family! Uncle Joe... Aunt Bea ... & Great Grandma B. Love you guys! It was an awesome visit.
... more coffee!
... my wonderful children!! Melvin - Christopher - Jamie - Patrick - Michael - David ... mommy loves you so much!
... my girl K coming home in a couple weeks for a visit!
... today being a relaxing day to get a few things done before ball games tonight.
... Gods word......
~Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. (Psalm 68:19)~💕

.:: hugs ... love  & blessings ::.
<>< Tam

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