How time has gotten away from me. I have been so busy..... with my family... with crocheting and crafting .. and yes... I have to admit............. dealing with some personal issues that have slightly taken my focus. I seem to be stuck in the middle... feeling as if I'm the rope in a tug of war. Satan lies to me on one side... pulling me... wanting me to think his way... feel his way... and in the end destroy me. But then I have God ......... He's on the other side... pulling and fighting for me the best He can... but its ultimately up to me to turn to Him and listen to what He tells me. Believe in Him... Trust Him... Wait for His time to make things right. Thats a hard thing to do.. No matter how much you love God and trust Him.
You know without a doubt that you trust your Father in Heaven.... yet I find it so amazing how satan can so easily twist things in your mind to make you doubt. What doesnt help is when an issue in life seems to drag on. I'm so glad God does not treat us that way. We make a mistake... repent and are forgiven immediately and its forgotten. Humans on the other hand... we seem to hang on to things... hold grudges until we feel punishment has been served enough. How sad!
Why is the words "I'm Sorry" not enough? They are for God. He doent want us to grovel and carry on for hours or days over something........... You simply ask for forgiveness... and move on. Yes........... you will make more mistakes... sin again............... but guess what......... you go to your Father in Heaven.... ask for forgiveness and move on again. HE FORGIVES YOU! IT'S OVER AND DONE. Move on to the next mistake. As you will find... you will start to make less mistakes.... you will start to sin less due to the fact that you are seeking God. Gods guidance and Gods forgiveness. Will you ever be perfect and not sin... or make a mistake............NO! But you will find yourself not even questioning yourself on whether to do something or not. You will just know.... because God is with you and in you!
Life is confusing. It can be hard to know which way to go on the pathway of life. Thankfully, God offers us his wise leading and counsel, so we don't need to be anxious.
Today is new................... tomorrow will be new................. lets treat each day as such. Today... I will make a mistake.. I may sin......... I'm Sorry! Please forgive me! I am a child of God. I love Him and He loves me! Thats enough for me! Thats what wins the tug of war game for me and God. I chose. I chose to let Satan fall on his backside........ as I run to my God and let Him help me through my troubles. He's the only one that can. I challenge you today to forgive yourself. Let go of whatever is holding you in the middle of that tug of war. I know... its not easy... but with God............ it can be done!
Well... time for a little sharing before I head off to tend to other things.
Wanted to share this picture........... this is one of my older boys and his daughters. I took this picture the morning of the day he left for the Navy last week! Yep.......... my baby isnt so much a baby anymore... a grown man off to serve his country. Yes a proud and sad moment! I miss him! I would like to ask for prayers for him. I want this to be a grand success in his life!

As you take time to pray for someone .......... spend a moment praying for yourself. Not begging ... or groveling... but prayer of love for yourself. Just Love yourself!
huge hugs...
lots of love...
bountiful blessings...
**The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.
~ Psalm 37:23**
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