So that starts out my day of Sharing with someone else.
My mailbox is blessed with others sharing with me. I received this beautiful blanket to be given to my *kids* with Nephrotic Syndrome. The colors were per Michael's request as he was asked for an opinion of colors and this is what he came up with. Jenny made it exactly as he said. I love it............. it turned out GREAT! Thank you Jenny!
Today has just been one of those ......... I'm so DONE days. There has been this personal family issue going on that I am just sick of. I emailed my Pastor and his wife with a need of prayer for myself. I explained my struggle today... and my Pastors wife sent back the most loving/scolding email.
This is some of what she said to me.........
We are for sure praying for you Big Time! Don't let the devil win! He wants to upset you, remember, he wants to kill, steal and destroy you....sound familiar? Don't let him! Take your God given authority over him and tell him you will not put up with this and he will not have any power over you! You are God's child and greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world! Don't let him get you down, that is just what he wants! Resist the devil and he will flee...don't fall for his trap! Tammy, you have the power of God inside you! God came down to earth in the form of Jesus to make a way for us to love God and know His love...he made the way for us back to the Father. Jesus left when His work was done and God sent The Holy Spirit to live inside of us! The Holy Spirit is GOD Himself! That means God is living in us! we have all the POWER of God living in us! That is a lot more power than satan has! God the Father , Jesus and the Holy Spirit are all equal...they are all the same person....If God is for you, who can be against you?
There was a bit more... but its a bit to personal to share. But WOW.. huh? She let me have it. Man I love her! She is so wise.. and so right!!!!
So... as I end this post................ I leave her words with you. Although the email was meant for me... I just felt I needed to share her words of truth with you all.
I'm off to crochet ... pray and get a bit of rest.
God Bless all of you.............
Sleep well.........
**The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. No one can measure the depths of his understanding.
~ Isaiah 40:28**
~ Isaiah 40:28**
Thanks so much for visiting blog!
So sorry to hear that you lost your dad too but I'm also glad to know that there is someone else that knows how I feel.
Great post and those are some powerful words, thanks for sharing!
The Spiderman blanket is coming along beautifully! Great work, Tammy!
And that is definitely the best kind of "yelling" to receive! Have a blessed rest of the day!
I love the round ripples - you guys are going to have me trying that project yet.
I like the 'masculine' squares - good choice!
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