Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I miss you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When the phone rang last night and I saw caller id.... I didnt want to answer it... I knew what it meant. I knew it was coming... but I still wasnt ready to hear you were gone.
My head has all the perfect answers..... (you're in a better place... you're happy and pain free.... you're running the streets of gold with daddy and Jesus......etc) but my heart says different things....(dont go.... what am I going to do without you?..... There wont be anymore "likes" on my FB page from you..... no more encouraging comments on my blog.... no more out of the blue calls to catch up always ending in conversation about daddy.... no more me making you laugh till you cry.)
I know you'll understand when I say... that although I am so very thankful to have had you such a big part of my life and I'm so happy for you right now... and slightly jealous..... I dont feel like being thankful.... I just want you back.
.::~♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ love muffit ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥~::.


Anonymous said...

Big Hug ...and prayers

teakaycee said...

Thank you so much Lea!!! <3