Monday, January 7, 2013

Good to be home.............

Goooooooooooooood Morning all...................

Well.............we made it!  We're home!!!!
The closer we got... the lower the temps.....heheee
But its nice to be back!   Felt good to sleep in my own bed! 
The drive home had clear roads and good weather!   I managed to get some knitting and crocheting done on the ride home too.

Made this Sashay Ruffle scarf...........

Made this dishcloth set...................

and started another dishcloth set...................

A New Year with New Thanks.......
Thankful for ....

*Clear travels home
*Good boys ~ it was a tough ride to and from Florida in the back seat of a Jeep
*Beautiful weather for our travels to...from and during
*Sleeping in my own bed
*My dear sweet Megan for tending to our pets while we were gone ♥
*Patrick moving my gazelle upstairs for me so I can exercise more
*The lovely day even with the snow on the ground and low temps
*Being able to start my new year serious about losing weight!
*Getting a head start of 2013 Christmas gifts (crocheting & knitting)
*Ken's doctors appointment going well this morning... numbers are good even with the dumb cold he has... :(
*Michael being back in remission! Thank you God!
*Having serious motivation to do some real cleaning and purging of this house
*Being able to play in my yarn stash at home.... Oh how I missed my yarn... lol
*God giving me a new year to try harder and do better!!!!! to get some things put away... catch up on some emails and posts.....and get a fresh cup of coffee!!!

you all have a great day!!!!

hugs... love... & blessings...

1 comment:

Sheltie Times said...

Great projects. Glad you got home safely.