Is it a GRAND day or what!!!?!
Life is amazing when you truly trust God and leave the worries of the world in His hands. I cant tell you the relief I feel right now. I had the most fabulous weekend with my husband and 3 young ones. God took my troubles from me and is dealing with them. I had to be willing to give them up!!! and I did!!!! People will hurt you … and for the most part… they don’t really mean to… but leaving the pain and sorrows to God… is not only the right thing to do… but amazing… both for (me in this instance) and the ones that left the hurt. God also honored my faithfulness I have in Him through all my determination and prayers… My husband and I couldn’t be closer. How fantastic is that……… My husband and I always had a great love for each other.. but for it to be even better now… WOW… and Praise God! He is Good!!! Now to wait for the rest of my prayers to be answered and Love to be shown………. The anticipation is exciting.
I have been staying quite busy with my crocheting and my boys. I have all sorts of charity projects going on … and my boys are ALL in football. *whew* David plays Flag Football… Michael is in Elementary Tackle Football.. and Patrick is in Jr High Football. Wow… typing that all out … they sure are growing up…. *sigh*
Crocheting has been non-stop. Gifts... Crochet Games of Ancient Greece... Swaps... Charities... and and and .............. Omy!
I’m now working on scarves for the Athletes at the 2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games in Idaho. Scarves for victims of abuse to a crisis center in Central MA. Scarves for the Orphan Foundation of America… and also toys for the 3rd Annual Toy Drive to a chosen Hospital. And many Charity Squares for Comforghans!!!! I will post pictures later of some of the scarves!
Well………….. back to work I go.
You all have a TERRIFIC Day!
Look to God today for your troubles… sorrows.. and even your thanks of blessings!
He is an amazing Father!
Special Olympics 2/12 - Toy Drive /12 - Red Scarves for Orphans /5 – Scarves for abuse victims /6
Prayer Blanket Challenge - 8 of 21 done
**So we tell others about Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all the wisdom God has given us. We want to present them to God, perfect in their relationship to Christ.~ Colossians 1:28**
1 comment:
Wow! That's a lot of crocheting! I think I should do more charity crochet...I'll be doing the special olympics scarves as soon as my yarn comes in...the delft blue was on back order, though...
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