Welcome to a new day........... for sharing ... for loving.... for giving..... and forgiving. All for and with God! Do you find days where any of those things are a little more difficult than you would like them to be. I do. Its a human struggle. But with God........... all those things and so much more... can be so EASY. I've had my share of tests in all these areas lately. Mostly forgiveness. That's a tough one sometimes.... to forgive someone ... for something they did... or maybe you 'think' they did and they aren't even aware of. I guess my patience has been tested in this area alot lately too...... to be patient while God works on others hearts of forgiveness. Amazing what a destructive thing unforgiveness is! Its also amazing to me how easy it is to hang on to. You spend time rehashing things over and over in your head to make sense of someone hurting you and how you were in the right... and all along ... you should just Forgive and let God deal with the issue. But darn it.. we dont want to let go of it... we want to be 'right' and we want that dumb apology. Who are we? Are we more powerful than God? Do we think our hanging on to it is going to fix it? My goodness.... we are such sinners. So who are we to demand an apology for us to forgive others. God is the only perfect one. He is the only one that can demand anything. And you know.... He doesnt "Demand" a thing from us. He asks of us... He asks that we follow His word. He asks that we open the door to let Him in. He doesnt bang down the door and force us to follow Him. Free will... hmmmm. A great thing... yet becomes our mountain to stand on .. bang our chests and demand from others. The human race sure is selfish.. is it not?! I'm so GLAD God is so full of love.. .mercy... and forgiveness. I dont want to stand on a mountain and claim to be owed something. I'm letting God stand on all mountains and show me the valleys full of need. I want to be a good servant. Pick people up by having a simple giving heart and show them the top of that mountain... the one where God stands so tall with His arms wide open and says... I LOVE YOU.
With that... I do what I think is what God would like me to do. He gave me crafting talents and I am to use them to show His love. These simple scarves are just a sample of that. Does it take much of my time? NO! Does it cost much? NO! Does it comfort someone? YES! Is it something I feel God asks me to do? YES!
Through all this ... I will continue to learn... learn to love.. forgive... share... and show others what a wonderful Father our God is.
These are two scarves I have finished as of now for the 'Special Olympics'
**Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again-my Savior and my God!
~ Psalm 42:11**
Love the scarves. How did you find those charities to crochet for?
They look beautiful! Keep up the great work!
Very nice.You do such nice work!
I just wanted to thank you for your words regarding forgiveness. I read them and need to remember it is but the grace of God
Great job on the scarfs you have a very kind heart
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