Well............. with the help of the Good Lord... keeping me on track and showing me that patience and faith will get more done.... I have finished 12 -12" squares to send to a dear dear friend
Sissie for her cause. She has made a commitment to give each Senior in the Local Senior Center a comfortghan for Christmas. Well... she came to her friends for
help in filling this need .. and you wouldn't believe the wonderful outcome so far. So anyway....... with the few squares I have already sent here and there .... These will go out in next weeks mail. Sissie will put them together to make the 'ghan that will add to her count and warm one more Senior.

This is a Bracelet Bag I made for a very dear friend/sister. She had asked me some time back to make her a basket for a particular need she has... well.. I tried some patterns.. made a simple one of my own.. but none of them felt right to me. I just needed that perfect basket/bag. As the good Lord does always... He showed me this bag. I was reading posts on C'ville and what do ya know... this was posted on there as a free pattern. I wanted this pattern for my granddaughters for Christmas presents.. but after putting together this first one... I KNEW it was to be for my friend! So off it will go in Monday's mail to her! I sure hope she likes it! I'm quite pleased at how it came out!
Thank you
Courtney for this Wonderful pattern!
Off to get some emails out... refill on my coffee.... and a bit of crocheting done before I get to bed.
have a wonderful night... great tomorrow and fabulous beginning to a new week.
**So get rid of all evil behavior. Be done with all deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy, and all unkind speech.
1 Peter 2:1**When you pretend to be something you're really not, remember that God sees your heart. Simply confess that you fall short of who you should be. Ask God for sincere motives that lead to good deeds.
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