Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Good Morning.....

This life is full of ups and downs. There are moments when it seems as if you're touching the hem of heaven because they're so dazzling. And others when it seems you stand on the brink of hell because they're so heart wrenching.

We can tend to feel far away from God in both. When times are good, we forget how much we need Him. When times are hard, we wonder why He has forsaken us. And yet both of... those responses are only our humanity talking.

Neither height nor depth...will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:39

God's affection for us is the same at the highest and lowest moments of our lives. The heights of success and the depths of despair cannot separate us from Him. His love is the one constant we can count on no matter what.

Take comfort in this..... Whether this is your best day on earth or one of your worst, you will never be alone or unloved. Not even for a moment
Hugs...Love & Blessings

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