Pipe Fox(es)
A lovely lady from over at the 'ville put out a request for pattern testers. Well I thought this little guy was the cutest.... so I asked if I could test for her. Yeah!!! She said yes!
Now you know there has to be a little story behind this ... its me we're talking about here.
So.... I took a dive in my yarn stash and came out with this fun orange yarn that was given to me by my Aunt who had sent home several large bags of yarn back at Thanksgiving time.
I sat down... went to get out the required hook... and .... hmmm... where is my hook? Oh man... I cant find the one the pattern called for. Oh well... this yarn feels a bit on the thin side... so I'll just use a smaller hook. As you see... there are two Foxes here.......... one with the smaller hook... and one with the hook that was called for in the first place .. which I found as I was finishing up the smaller one. *sheesh*
The small one is going to a friend for her son.. and the bigger one is for David! He got a 100% on a spelling test the week before last... and a 100% on a pre-test this last week. So this was his prize for doing so well.
here they are coiled up.
I'm staring #3 now.. .hehehee... that one is going to be for Michael.
have a wonderful rest of the weekend everyone
thanks for stopping in to take a peek at my fun today.
hugs... love... & blessings
**I pondered the direction of my life, and I turned to follow your statutes.
~ Psalm 119:59**
~ Psalm 119:59**
Very cute, but are you sure they aren't pigs? No matter, they are still precious! Happy Sunday!
Thanks for testing these, love! They look fantastic!
And no Diane, they're not pigs. They're Pipe Foxes =D
See XD
Thanks again; so glad you like the pattern. I'll send you the proper PDF when I've heard from the other testers xx
hehehe... Diane!!
Well.. I guess because I had them all curled up... they came across as pigs. :) but they are called Pipe Foxes. The original pattern calls for them to be done in a furry type yarn... which probaby gives a better effect of foxes. Thank you for the compliment though... I had alot of fun with them.
Shaz.... Thank you!!! for letting me test for you! They were tons of fun.. easy to follow along on the pattern.. and just darn cute done.
you ladies have a WONDERFUL rest of your weekend.
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