The old saying, 'Dont judge a book by its cover' has been on my mind alot lately........ for a few reasons.
It started the other day with the unbelievable talent of a British woman (Susan Boyle) An unemployed, “never been kissed” 47-year-old who lives with her cat is the talk of Britain and a YouTube sensation. This lovely woman came out on the stage of the 'Britain's Got Talent' show and showed the audience and judges exactly why you don't judge someone by the way they look. You may end up missing out on something spectacular. Many looked upon her with sour faces as they thought she was unattractive and not such a bright individual. As she spoke and answered questions... snickers and rolling eyes continued to come from the audience and the judges. When given the okay to sing........... she shed her cover and the beauty within her shined so brightly ... that not one person saw her 'odd' cover anymore.
Of recent ... because of the edema that has set in on Michael.. his face is quiet noticeably puffy. Going to school has been tough for him. The snickers from children as he walks by... the name calling of classmates ... and even the sad looks of pitty from teachers and staff. Michael hasn't changed on the inside....... he is the same wonderful ... loving .. compassionate.... smart boy. So why the looks.. the name calling.. the judging?
The boys have all signed up for baseball again this summer. Practice has started and new children have come along. There are a couple boys on the teams now.. that (well....... from looks) don't seem to be 'baseball material' these are the boys that get looked at with almost a pitty... just knowing they will be sitting on the bench most of the game because they cant catch.. or hit. Well.. those boys have proven themselves to be hard little working and determined little ball players. Size and shape and looks aren't what matters!
I am so glad God doesn't treat us like we tend to treat others!!! Wow... how heartbreaking that would be.
Our Father in Heaven created us exactly the way we were to be. So we put on a few pounds over the years... He loves every extra pound.... its just a sign of enjoyed life. So we have a few more wrinkles than last year. He traces those wrinkles on our faces as we sleep... welling up inside full of love for all the beauty He sees within us as we've grown. The visible scares........ Oh... those are just reminders of the times we came crying to Him for love and help. All the stuff on the outside isnt 'what' we are... its just signs of 'who' we are on the inside. Look close... look past the over weight lady that runs the check out at the store.... do you see a sparkle in her eye... do you see the love in her face... do you see how she shines at the sight of children as they come through with their parents? Do you snicker to yourself as you check out and then make fun in your mind as you leave? Or do you tell that lovely woman that God created that she has beautiful eyes? Watch out.. she may talk to you.... you may find out she is your future closest friend.
God makes NO Mistakes. He created us to be who and what we are in His image. Yes.. we have the choice to follow Him....or not. That doesnt change who He created... that just means some dont want or dont believe in God and want the free gift of everlasting life ..so chose to walk a different road.
We are ALL God children. Brothers and Sisters. Love each other in that manner. Stop looking at folks as if they are weird... odd.. or freaks. Their your family ... love them!
I love you Lord God............. thank you for loving me back. No matter how I look.. no matter how many mistakes I make. NO MATTER..................
hugs... love .. and blessings
**Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day.
~ Lamentations 3:23**
1 comment:
...no matter...in spite of....because of.....it's all God's amazing LOVE! Thank you for a wonderful post Tammy! You always encourage me and lift me up to be a better person for the Lord who loves me and saved me from myself!
Have a great weekend!
Many hugs.........
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