Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Why taking a break from Social Media is needed.......

Our generation is defined by a culture of likes, tweets and snaps, which can all be very distracting at times (to say the least).
So, this begs the question: Do the benefits of social media really justify the amount of time we spend on it? Over the next several days... I'm going to share some thoughts on why I have stepped away and why  you should limit the amount of time you spend on social media.

1. Social media leads you to focus on others more than yourself.

One of the main problems with social media is you are often bombarded by others' accomplishments.
Whether it's someone uploading photos from his or her graduation or tweeting about an awesome new car, social media implicitly causes us to compare ourselves to others.
It's not surprising that studies have shown individuals who spend a significant amount of time on social media report feelings of increased anxiety and low self-esteem.
The awareness for this type of problem has increased to the point where there's now even a name for it: Social Media Anxiety Disorder.
Furthermore, many people we to whom we are connected on social media aren't even what I would consider to be friends — I know the majority of my Facebook “friends” are really just old classmates I haven't spoken to in several years.
The point is, we shouldn't waste time scrutinizing what others are doing, especially if we aren't even close with them to begin with.
Instead, we should focus on pursuing our own personal goals.

God Bless
Tammy 💕

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