Sunday, July 28, 2013

Relaxing on the Beach..........

 and oh how nice it is!
Here we are on South Beach in Miami.... having a nice day of relaxation after all the hard work to get here and all the hard work ahead.
 Patrick decided a nap was in order................... :)

Well.... family and friends....................
this will be the last post for a while!
Once we get to the Dominican Republic I wont be using my phone and Internet will be limited.
So.............Huge Hugs..... Lots of Love and Bountiful Blessings to you all
See you when we get back to the states!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Made it.............

 After a beautiful day of flying.......
We're finally relaxing in Miami!
Omy..... how awesome this is.... and how awesome the rest of the trip will be!!!
have a wonderful evening all!!!
God Bless

Friday, July 26, 2013

12 hours................

God Bless

18 hours..........

............. eeek.....nervous....excited..... grateful....and a wreck because I'm running out of time to get things done.
OMGOSH...... *faint

Love you all

Thursday, July 25, 2013

36 hours..............

Until we leave for the Dominican Republic.....
Omgoodness..... This is really happening!
Lets go get'em #73!

have a fabulous day! & blessings

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

~Special Prayer Blanket~

For a special family going through a very tough time right now!
Their 13 yr old son was killed in a traffic accident!
~*~R.I.P. Nathan~*~

God Bless

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

District Legion Tournament........

Our boys took 2nd Place and I am so darn proud of them!   They played a hard long season and came out winners .... even without a 1st Place trophy!
They are #1 in my book!

EMN Nationals................ You ROCK!!

Hugs... Love & Blessings
Proud Baseball Mom

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Its Official...............

Patrick's Uniform is here!!!
This is so exciting!  I'm so proud of Patrick! 
Aren't these shirts awesome!?!

Check out all his gear...........
The countdown is underway.....

God Bless you all
~proud mommy~

Friday, July 19, 2013

PLEASE PRAY...........

Dear Lord God.... I come to you with such a heavy heart tonight for a dear family as they mourn the loss of their son due to a car accident. Please Father I pray for peace and comfort for this family....for physical healing for the mother and sister that were hurt ..... For emotional healing for the family and friends! Oh God..... My heart is so sad..... Please hold this family a little closer and tighter tonight as they deal with all this! I love you Lord! ~ in Jesus Name ... Amen
Update: Boy, 13, dies in Highway 75 accident
Hugs..Love & Blessings

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Show & Share ......

Well.... I've been keeping my crochet hook quite busy lately!
I made another one of these ripple afghans.... I love the pattern!

I used some of the left over yarn from the Ripple Afghan to make these two Charity Squares.
I'm about done with this Ruffle Scarf order!   These scarves are so easy and fun to make!

Well all............Thanks for stoppin' in!
I'm off to get these scarves done and then start on another Ripple Afghan!  :)
Have an awesome day!
God Bless

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Too Busy for God?

“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41-42)
I read this phrase earlier this week and its truth rung true in my heart as I read it: “If the devil can’t make you bad He will make you busy”.

We have to realize we are in a daily spiritual battle and to be ignorant of this will not make it go away. The devil is always looking for opportunities to make us ineffective in our work for the Lord and to void our lives from being a vibrant testimony for Christ. One of the main things that will rob us of our vibrant walk with the Lord is losing our intimacy with Christ. “Not now Jesus I need to go fix my car”, “Not now Lord I need to watch this television program”, “Not now God I need to check my Facebook updates”  "Not now Father ... I have work to get to... laundry to do... dinner to prepare.... ball game to leave for".....and the list goes on.

Making a priority in our lives to cater an intimate relationship with the Lord is vital for our spiritual walks and fruitfulness (John 15:1-5).

Someone sent this to me quite some time ago.......

‘Satan called a worldwide convention. In the opening address to his evil spirits he said, ‘We can’t keep true Christians from going to church. We can’t keep them from reading their Bibles and knowing the truth. We can’t even keep them from having conservative values. But we can do something else. We can keep them from forming an intimate, abiding experience with Christ. If they gain that connection with Jesus, our power over them is broken. So let them go to church, read their Bibles, and have their conservative lifestyles, but steal their time so they do not have time to have an intimate fellowship with Christ. This is what I want you to do: keep them busy in the nonessentials of life and invent innumerable schemes to occupy their minds.’

There is a principle that if grasped can keep us always focusing on what is right it is this: We are more important then what we do! Our spiritual health of our inner man effects our resulting spiritual work we do. The most important thing for each worker and co-worker in the kingdom of God is their personal accountability before the Lord (Romans 14:12).

It is not how much we have done but how faithful we have been. It is not the quantity but the quality. It is not was the job done but rather what was the motive and intents behind it (Proverbs 16:2).

The Bible says that we are to live by faith and not sight. Spiritual fruit therefore will not always be visible to our understanding and mind.

So it is possible to think that we are busy, successful yet in reality spiritual speaking we are barren!

Judas was one of the chosen apostles and arguably did what all that the other Apostles did. He learnt teachings from Jesus Himself, was anointed to heal the sick, cast our demons and was in the limelight. Yet in the end he was barren in his soul and sold Jesus for a few bucks. This revealed his true spiritual condition inside, let us not be deceived by ministry leaders that seem very busy.

Mary and Martha are an classic example of this problem that our Lord addressed. Martha was very diligent, faithful doing her work in a proficient manner yet in her heart she was comparing herself to others.

She wanted to see the work done, the job accomplished, the task completed which is admirable. Yet Jesus said to her that those things can wait, there is no rush to finish them if it sacrifices time with Me! The one great need beyond all busyness in practical life, christian life and ministry life is intimate communion and fellowship with Jesus Christ. The Lord is happy with our work for Him as He leads it. He is happy to see us work diligently yet let us always do our work stemming 100% out of our abiding time with Him. Have you been working hard, yet have drifted apart from God?

Has your intimate times with the Lord decreased yet your schedule has never been more busy? Consider praying this prayer and taking steps to sit down beside Mary at Jesus’s feet for a season. Even now to be still in His presence for the next 15 minutes.

Lord, I agree that I have been to busy, that my spiritual life has been barren and unfruitful. I never been more full of ideas and plans yet not hearing your still small voice. Forgive me for going off and doing your work without You. Forgive me for being so busy that I don’t have time to rest and be quiet in your presence. I come now and sit in your presence at your feet, I love you Lord please let me see You as more important then anything else. Amen.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!
God Bless

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Morning all................

Yesterday was a rough day....
 It was beautiful out. Sun shinning.. .bit of a breeze in the air... birds picking at the ground looking for bugs and worms.... my dogs laying in the sun soaking up the warmth....and the lovely blue clear sky over our house makes for a lovely start to the day.
Just wish I hadn't been crocheting a burial bag for my sons guinea pig.... :(
Yep.... our dear sweet 'Lucky' passed away.   All our  hearts were so sad... but my poor David... *sigh*  just heart broken!
Later we had a  funeral for him... and placed him in the yard around the Iris bed where our other animal family is.
This is the part of pets I hate..... *sigh*

... Anyway...... After that I worked on another afghan.
I want to make several of these particular afghans ... for gifts and to sell.

Okay... back to work.
Have a fabulous day all!
God Bless

Monday, July 15, 2013

Bennington Invitational Tournament...........

EMN Nationals take 2nd place in the Bennington Invitational Tournament.... yesterday.
The championship game was a rough one.... But you made us proud!
Great job boys!

What an awesome team!
A bunch of great boys!!
Proud of you!!!


Sunday, July 14, 2013

New Afghan.......

~I really like this Afghan pattern~

Started this Friday at a Baseball Tournament....finished it last night.
This may just be my new favorite blanket pattern! It reminds me so much of my beautiful Aunt.....who taught me to crochet. It has the very first stitch she ever taught me (the granny square) and the first design (the ripple)
She would have loved this blanket!
I miss you Aunt Joycie!!!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

A day in the country.........

This morning I look out my sitting room window while enjoying a cup of coffee....and this is my scenery!
Just beautiful!
~A sweet little fawn nursing
~A Turkey picking for bugs just a few feet from its nest!
What a way to start the day!

1 riding mower out of commission =
3 push mowers + 3 teenage boys
Which then = 66" blade mower
Which then gets the 4 acres of our land that is yard ...Mowed!
Yard looks great boys!!! Thank you!! Mommy loves you

Hugs... Love... & Blessings to all
Thanks for stoppin' in!
have a great day!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Happy Birthday to ME.............

Happy Birthday to Me.... Happy Birthday Happy Birthday ... Happy Birthday to Me!

My day was filled with Love... Surprises.... and Fun!

First it started with a lovely dozen Roses from My Guys!

I was able to relax... drink my coffee and crochet all I wanted.

Then I was treated to a wonderful lunch at Red Lobster.....
Yep... we ate alot!  LOL

I was sang to by the staff and my family.... then enjoyed this yummy Brownie & Ice Cream Dessert!

We then headed out to a Baseball game of Patrick's
I do love watching my boys play baseball!
Here's Patrick waiting patiently to be called in to save the game if needed.

Aww.... David found a friend to play with at the game....

Uhoh.... Michael loves the puppy too! 

Well... great way to end my birthday.... Patrick is put in to save the end of the game!
*Whew*  He did it... We WON!
Yep... Good Birthday!
Got calls..texts... emails and FB Birthday wishes from my family and friends..... Flowers... good food and a baseball game!

Thank you EVERYONE
Thank you to my guys!

Huge Hugs...Lots of Love and Bountiful Blessings to all

Saturday, July 6, 2013

End of Season ~ Michael's Team.....

Wow.........What a season it was for this team!  Great job boys!!!  Michael got to pitch quite a bit this season and boy was it awesome to watch!  He did such a good job!  He looks up to his older brother Patrick so much... he wants to be just like him and wants Patrick to be proud of him... which he is!
Best inning ~ 3 pitches... 3 outs
Best game ~ 75 pitches in 6 innings
Batting order ~ 4th up
YEP... good season for Michael.... health and sport!   Love you buddy!
Coaches.... Big Thank you for all you've done!   Boys did great!

Have a fantastic rest of the summer boys and coaches!

Hugs...Love & Blessings

Friday, July 5, 2013

End of Season ~ David's Team.....

It was one heck of a season!!  The boys played hard... and did very well!  David got to pitch some this year... which he loved by the way... and he did pretty darn good at it!   I'm super proud of him... and the whole team!  Great Job Boys... its was so much fun hanging with you and your parents and watching you play Baseball! (my favorite sport) 
Coaches..............THANK YOU!   Our boys had fun and played well because of the time you spent with them!
Have a great rest of the summer boys and coaches!!! & blessings to all

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Be Safe...Thank a Soldier...Love God.........

Have a Wonderful Day!  Happy 4th of July everyone!!!

Hugs...Love... & Blessings

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Another quick Show & Share..........

Good Afternoon Everyone!!!
Sun is shinning... nice and warm outside... birds are all about... and there is just a slight breeze today.   What a peaceful day out here in the country!   Sitting here with my coffee... getting a few things done on the computer and looking at getting some crochet projects done.   Thought I would share a couple of pics. 

This is a shirt Patrick and I made for his girlfriend for her birthday.
The first year they started dating.. him... his sister and I made his girlfriend the amount of shirts she was old.  So now each year he makes her a new one for he collection.  :)
This one is just a fun shirt for their graduating year.

This is a Baby Round Ripple Blanket I made for a friend of Ken's that he works with... whos wife just had a baby.  I love this pattern.... its my 'go to' pattern for baby blankets!

Have a great day all......... & blessings

Monday, July 1, 2013

Huge THANKS to all...............

For a great turn out for Patrick's Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser!

Here is the "Welcome Table"

Look at this outstanding afghan Patrick got from one of the most sweetest ladies in town.
She made this just special for him!  I still get tears looking at this pic of Patrick holding this master-piece!
What an awesome gift from the heart!

Oh..............Lookie here.........Grandson Evan helping Grandpa call Bingo numbers!
Um... that little stinker did a great job too!

LOL... here is a pile of goodies I took to the Fundraiser  for the Bake Sale table.   4 different batches of cookies and a dozen donuts.  Patrick's girlfriend K.  helped me make all the cookies!  It was alot of fun baking with her!  :)

Thank you everyone that came... helped... donated....supported and prayed!  We couldnt have pulled this off without all of you!   God is so Good!!!  He blessed this event quite nicely!
Love you all!
God Bless