Sunday, November 25, 2012

Day #25 ~

THANK YOU GOD!!!  Michael is down another 8lbs from yesterday… 8 more to go!   He’s protein levels are starting to show that they are getting back to normal too!  God is so GOOD!

Being Thankful through trials……
You may have heard it a hundred times, but this time let it soak in and really permeate your faith. God works for our good in ALL things. Not just some of them, or just the good things. He works in ALL of them. This is one of our greatest promises and something to truly be thankful for.

~*~Romans 8:28: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.~*~


So... today is a good day for rearranging up and organizing.  Here's to hoping it gets accomplished!  :) 
The temps are starting to show that Winter is on its way...brrrr!   I have several crochet items that I want to work on before and after Christmas.  Afghans... slippers... fingerless mitts... scarfs .. .beanies... etc.  All those perfect Winter  items!  
During a period of time when my daughter was living with us... I crowded a bunch of my craft stuff in my sitting room of my bedroom.  I never  did get that all cleaned back up and reorganized... so .... today I hope that will happen.  I want to be able to sit in my sitting room..... watch the snow fall and crochet my little heart out... :)  And of course spend time here blogging!!

I'm off to get a fresh cup of coffee... and get my helpers moving.... :)
Catch you all later!
have a great day!!! & blessings,

1 comment:

Sheltie Times said...

I had an amazing reminder yesterday about being thankful. It thought I had been doing well, but sometimes when you get a big break, you can think of even more things.