Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day #21 ~

Be Thankful …. Stay in the present.
I think the easiest way that we get distracted from how thankful we should be is by living in either the past or the future. Neither of these realities are real, therefore we cannot be thankful. God’s reality is now. We can only experience Him now. And it is only in Him that we can see why we are thankful. ~ Thank you Lord God for today!!! It’s a Great Day!!! ~ ♥
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Well... I did it............. I accomplished my goal of making 2 things everyday from the 15th to the 20th to send to a lovely lady that is doing a Hurricane Sandy Charity Drive.
And here they are............. my dozen items I will be mailing her!
* 4 beanies
*3 headband/ear warmers
*3 pairs of slippers
*2 pair fingerless mitts & blessings,

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