Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day #14 ~

People with a strong sense of gratitude, love and appreciation don't necessarily have more than others; they aren't "luckier". They simply recognize and see more beauty in their lives. It is suggested that people who count their blessings are generally happier and healthier than people who don't. If you ever feel as if anything in your life isn't "enough", try practicing an attitude of thankfulness. You might realize how good you have it after all.
I’m Thankful for a new day to be Thankful! God Bless you all! Have a wonderfully blessed day! ♥
Little Show & Share time.............
Okay... so remember the cool blue slippers I showed you a couple posts back............ WELL......My youngest has stolen them.  hahahahahaaa  Thief!! 
So I was going to make myself a new pair yesterday... but my poor little super hero Michael wasnt feeling well ... and he stayed home with me.   I wanted to cheer him up... so I made him a pair of slippers.
He LOVES them.
hmmmm.... wonder if the next pair will get to be mine... :)   heeeheee
You all have a wonderfully blessed day!


Sharon Marie said...

Love those slippers!

teakaycee said...

heheheeee.... Thanks! Me too!