Monday, November 12, 2012

Day #12 ~

 Today…………….I’m thankful for a beautiful Fall day full of Sun Shine.
Coffee makers that make coffee…. Washing machines that clean clothes…. Dishwashers that wash dishes… New slippers to keep my feet warm….Doctors to help those that are sick…. My beautiful children who love me just for being MOM… no other reason!... The bestest bunch of friends and family ever!
But most of all.. I’m thankful for my Father in Heaver… Lord God Almighty for all His forgiveness of all of my mistakes and sins!  Its Him who makes all of the rest of this possible!  ♥

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This is a pair of slippers I made myself last night.   My feet got cold... so I put my Ripple'ghan down that I was working on.... whipped these up and went back to work on my Ripple'ghan with warm feet! :)

Pattern can be found HERE.
Have a magnificent Monday!
God Bless


Tina said...

I love your slippers, I have been wanting to crochet that pattern for a long time. (Too many projects, not enough time..)

teakaycee said...

LOL... I know the feeling!
I'm finishing up another pair now for my 14yr old son.
My 12yr old son stole this pair! I knew I was taking a chance making them blue...LOL

You will love these though if you get a chance to make them!