Tuesday, August 16, 2011

He's Driving................

Can you believe this? Oh my.................... what a big boy!

He's driving us home from the Court House after passing his test and getting his permit.

Oh how I remember the days of learning to drive. Daddy would take me out to my High School parking lot and teach me. Stop.. Start... Park... Turn.... etc. Gosh how long ago that was!!!

Well... Patrick is doing great... but until he is totally confident ..... stay off the roads everyone... hehehehehehehe

hugs...love & blessings



joyce said...

Oh my how fast they grow up and their (and your) life changes!!! Don't worry Tam he'll do just fine, he might be all boy but he's such a good young man. Tell him Aunt Joycie loves him, and all of you.

teakaycee said...

Oh .... I know...I cant believe how big they all have gotten!!! *sigh* And you are so right! He is a Very Good boy! We're super proud of him!
Love you!!!!!

Oh... passed on all your love! :)