Friday, December 19, 2008

Freebie Friday........


1 box any flavor cake mix
2 eggs
1 stick margarine or butter

Cream Margarine, add eggs and mix well. Stir in cake mix, add additional ingredients (chocolate chips, crushed candy bar etc.) Bake in a 350 degree oven on ungreased cookie sheet for approximately 8 to 10 mins. Great for a quick gift giving idea. Easy for kids to mix and they are delicious!
Greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:3
When I was growing up there were many heroes to admire, such as Wonder Woman, Superman, and Lassie, the dog wonder. There was always someone to look up to, whether they were a family member, teacher, or a great fiction character. The people who we admired inspired us to be better, reach higher, and to achieve the impossible. Today, however, I can’t help but wonder, “Where have all the heroes gone?
Standing in line the other day with the end of my Christmas shopping...I was glancing at all the tabloids.... so many of those Hollywood stars have become heros in so many eyes.. and to see the sad stories of their drug filled... abusive lives... with constant run ins with the law .. is just heartbreaking.
I found myself questioning again, “Where have all the heroes gone? Isn’t there anyone we can look up to anymore?”You’ve probably experienced the same kind of let down at some point in your life. Perhaps it was a family member, a friend, or even a Christian leader who disappointed you and led to question, “Is there anyone I can truly trust?” Yesterday while reading a news story.. I was lead to a related older story....A family had been stranded on a rural, snow-covered road in Oregon after spending Thanksgiving with family. The father, attempting to save his family, set out on foot to look for help. The mother and her two young daughters stayed behind. To survive the cold, she burned all four tires, including the spare in the trunk of the car. She nibbled Thanksgiving leftovers and sustained her daughters with breast milk.Days later, an airplane flying above saw the father’s footprints in the snow and landed to investigate. They found and rescued the mother and the two young girls. Immediately a search began in the snow-covered mountains for the missing father, but they were too late. The cruel winter weather had claimed his life while he desperately tried to save the lives of his family.
I sat there and said to myself, “There’s a hero. Anyone who loves another in such a way that they are willing to give their own life to save another is a hero.” I also thought about those two little girls who will never have to question if there are any heroes left in the world. Their father will always be their hero.
You and I have been loved in the same way. We, too, have a hero. His name is Jesus Christ. Knowing that we live in a fallen, broken world, Christ left His heavenly home and all the comforts there. He took off His royal crown and laid aside His position to come and rescue us from sin and death. Why? Because of His love for us. In Christ’s heart you and I were worth dying for. Jesus willingly gave His life so that we may live. There is no greater love than that!
In this world people may disappoint us from time to time, but remember: We’ll always have the love of our heavenly Father, the greatest hero of all.
Dear Lord, thank You for loving me enough to lay down Your life so that I may have life as God intended. Teach me to live worthy of Your sacrifice. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Have a Fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend blessings,
**Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.
~ Proverbs 4:23**


sissie said...

I have heard this story before and it is so true! I feel in my heart that I would lay my life down for the people I love and pray if I am ever faced with that that I would!!

you have a very merry christmas my friend

love you,

Marie Anne said...


If I have learned nothing else while going through life's struggles, it's that Jesus Christ is the only One to trust and look up to.