I love the Word of God…and how it is truly alive and active when we choose to get into it and allow it to transform our hearts. But this particular scripture has been humorous to me. I thought, “For crying out loud, how much faith could it take to cross the Red Sea? You’ve already seen God’s might by way of parting it! The Egyptians are CHASING YOU, the only common sense thing to do is RUN ACROSS the sea through the path that God has created…or be slain by the Egyptians, or taken captive again! What kind of faith does it take to cross in those circumstances?” Like I said... I found it to be funny... until God made it real to me by relating it to my life. This past year God has called me to *step out* in a variety of ways in my life. This has been uncomfortable. Family issues... health issues with my son... *well and even myself at points*... and financial issues. I had a choice to make. I either had to stay where I was, or cross the Sea. To stay where I was and am means that I am not being an obedient child. There’s a grand reward in obedience. I know that crossing the sea is the way to go. I know its best for me.... I attempt to cross several times... but still seem to never make it all the way across.
Put yourself in the place of the Israelites. Picture yourself standing by the Red Sea. The Egyptians are hot on your trail. Moses raises the staff and the waters part. You’re standing on the shore looking at that. You have to run down a hill to the bottom of the sea..... Can you imagine how high the walls of water would be on each side of you? What about the noise of the wind holding the water back? You’d be thinking, “If I run into this....will the waters stay back until I get across? Can I make it before the waters come crashing back in?” “By faith the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land.” Even when God is offering deliverance or a good path, it still takes faith to accept it! God is so faithful to us. He doesn’t stand on the other side of the sea shouting, “Hurry up and run!” He gently and lovingly stands by our side...takes our hand, and says..... “Beloved....don’t be afraid. I will not leave you nor forsake you, I have summoned you by name, you are mine. When you walk through the waters I will be with you, they will not sweep over you, for I am the Lord your God and I love you…together, let's cross the sea” (adapted from Isaiah 43). Is God calling you to “step out”? It could be getting more involved at church...a new ministry...a new job...learning to leave your worries to Him... sharing God with others...moving to a new area....any number of things. You know what it is... are you ready to cross that Sea with Faith.
Dear Lord....I seek You. Help me not to fear, but to be strong and courageous, standing on the promise that You will not leave me nor forsake me. Together we'll cross the sea. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Show and Share time...........
Well.......... check this out. While visiting Family over the Thanksgiving weekend.... I shared the 12 point round afghan pattern with my Aunt.. she had the idea of it already in her head.. and had attempted it once or twice.. but seemed to feel she was missing something in getting it completed. So after a few minutes of giving her some instructions.. it all fell into place.... and with that............. she let her creative talent take over. She made this lovely Poinsettia Tree Skirt for her daughter from that pattern. Isn't is just beautiful?!!
This comes from a pattern from a sweet lady on C'ville..... pinsandneedles.(freebie #1) Isn't this just too cute... if I do say so myself?!
This pattern came from another talented lady.... mylittlecitygirl (freebie #2)
I had only a bit of this yellow yarn and thought I was only going to be able to get a few pineapples done to practice the pattern... but before I knew it.... I had 6 pineapples done ... yarn gone ... and scarf a good length to actually be a gift. Thank you Alla for the pattern.
These next 2 pics are 12 point round dish cloths drawn up around a 3oz. jar candles. With all the crocheting...sharing of ideas and patterns with my Aunt... I came away with this idea for a gift. Now wouldn't this be a nice little gift for a teacher?
Have a Fantastic Friday... and a Wonderful Weekend!
God Bless you all......
Hugs & Love,
**Those who know your name trust in you, for you, O Lord, do not abandon those who search for you.
~ Psalm 9:10**
~ Psalm 9:10**
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