Monday, November 17, 2008

Marvolous Monday..................

Praise Adonai... from the rising of the sun ... til the end of every day. ~~~Amen~~~
These are words from a beautiful Praise and Worship song.... Michael has been singing it all day today............ what a sweet sound!!!! Oh... there he went again... walked past me singing... I LOVE IT!

Well.......... a little bit of show and share..................

This is square I tested for Donna (SmoothFox) Its really a neat square. You could use any color with this and create a square for afghans of any age or gender. I made this one a bit on the 'country' side.

This is a Baby Gift Set that I made for a teacher and his wife's new baby.

This is a picture of my newest creation........... *Fabric Labels* Made right here.. with my own computer..printer and design.

Close up shot of the beanie and booties in the Baby Set. Both my own design.

While doing a bit of straightening up this morning... I picked up a couple rubberbands that had fallen out of the infamous *junk* drawer in our kitchen. As I put them away... I got to thinking about those rubberband balls we've all seen or even made ourselves.
For some life problems can be like that rubberband ball. Each one of our life issues are like a single rubberband that gets wrapped on that ball. It starts out small... just a couple issues... you are trying to deal with them... but a few more come about.. so they get added to the ball. Okay... so now you have a few more to deal with.. but you have to deal with the ones most recent in order to get to the ones before. You cant get to the red rubberband without removing the blue.. green and yellow ones first.
You sit in prayer... and seek God to help you.... Of course He does... and look... there goes that yellow rubberband. One issue gone. Uhoh.......... you have been neglecting to spend you time with God lately... and look... more issues. Wow... a bunch of those plain ol' brown rubberbands. Nothing special... but enough to totally cover up those more serious issues that have really been eating at you and now you cant get to them.
My point is....... we need to spend time with God every day!!! Even if its only for a few minutes.... so that our 'issues of life' dont get wrapped up in that rubberband ball that we find ourselves overwhelmed by.... so much so that some give up. They give up on themselves ... and then eventually God.
Lets run down a pretend day... and see how much time we really miss spending with God ...
Wake up... * Say Good Morning Father*
Shower... 15-30 minutes of time you could be talking to God while scrubbing your hair.
Drive to work... 15-30 or 60 minute drive... wow....look at all that time you are missing with God. And dont try to say its because you have other things on your mind. That is EXACTLY what you should be talking to your Father in Heaven about. Or maybe you try the excuse that you just dont think about it. Hmmmm ... really? Can you really drive to work and not see God all around you? That absolutely beautiful sun rise... the trees over there that still have their leaves that are so full of color... what makes them so special that God allows them to hold their leaves longer? The sparkle on the road as you drive... from the dew glistening from the sun.
Your day at work... break times.... why aren't you thanking God for your break? Lucky you.. some folks dont get breaks.
Lunch time.... Dont try the excuse that you work through lunch. Get up... go get your lunch... whether you brought it or need to go get some. Sit in your car and enjoy it. Thank the Good Lord for the food you're eating. Share some of your work issues with Him.. have you been given a problem to solve that morning and you are having trouble finding the answer? What better thing to do that ask you Father for help. And He will!!!!
Drive home.... again.... that whole drive to thank God for yet another day to earn a living... to support your family. And to thank Him for having that home to go to.
Bed time.......... *Good night Father.... thank you for all I have and all you have yet to share with me*
Wow............... look at all that time to spend with God. If we spend time like that with God everyday... we wouldnt have that huge rubberband ball bouncing around creating more havoc in our lives.
Lets try something.......... get 7 rubberbands. Big enough to wear on your wrist. For one week every night when you go to bed.... ask yourself if you spent any time at all with God that day.... if not.. you best do it then. Remove one rubber band. Now do this for the remaining days and I bet.. by the end of the week... you will be spending more and more time with God than you would have imagined. I bet you'll be smiling more too! God loves you... He wants to bring joy to your life. Spend time with Him so that He can.
Well............ speaking of spending time with God... I'm going to go do that now. I have the webbing to put on that Spiderman blanket... and its so mindless..I can have a nice chat with my Father while I do that. I love talking to Him while I crochet... He gives me some of the greatest ideas.
Have a Great today... and a better tomorrow
**I cried out to the Lord, and he answered me from his holy mountain.
~ Psalm 3:4**


Hermione Bagnold said...

Wow. That was some amazing insight.

I was once told that my "issues" were like a bundle of electric cords. Each one has it's own current and an amount of emotion that races through it, and if I don't take care of them individually and seperate the issues in my mind, it'll end up like a huge tangle and I'll short out everywhere and lash out at everyone around me over every little thing to release that current. This post reminded me of that a little bit.

You're right about needing to spend more time with God. I love the rubber band idea! I am SO doing that! On my way to bed right now, so I'll start the removals tomorrow. :) Thank you so much for sharing!

As always, your crafts look beautiful. That is one blessed baby that's getting that set! And a cute new granny square! :) So where did you get the fabric label stuff (computer software?) from? I would love to be able to make my own tags!

Marie Anne said...

You do beautiful work.

I'd love to see a close-up of your label, and learn how you make them.