Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Sink of life..........

As I sit here printing up some of these cards I made with a cute little poem for my Round dish/wash clothes.... I have some interesting thoughts run through my head. A sink filled with clean hot soapy water... a dish cloth... dipped in and wrung out. You clean your dishes... your counter tops... the stove... oh... and the table from breakfast.. and even the chairs from the drips. With each new cleaning... you place the cloth back in the water to rinse it out... swirling it around... and ringing it out again and again. After a while that water becomes quite dirty. Though each time you think... well..its not that bad.. I'll keep using it. After a while you realize you cant take it anymore.. the water is too dirty ... you have to do something about it. Drain the water and start over.
Now................... isnt it interesting how we are like that wash cloth. Our lives are like the sink full of water. We find God... and jump in the clean water... swirling around... loving the warmth. Then things of the world start to get dirty.... we ring ourselves out... and clean up the mess... and back in the water. Not too bad. But after a while of cleaning up mess after mess... dealing with one thing of life after another .... being wrung out time and time again.... all without stopping long enough to focus on God... we become filled with satans dirt... and are so tired we can barely take it anymore. But in steps God... once again into our lives.. and says.... "here I am" You allow Him to drain satan from you life and fill your sink of life back up with His grace and love.

Here's the deal... you dont have to keep jumping back into that dirty water. If you allow God to be in your life continuously... Seek Him always...He will keep that sink full of clean warm water. Satan wants to keep you so busy with so many "issues" in life that you lose focus on God and your water becomes dirty. Issues in life are just that.... "issues" they arent "your life" you will have many of them throughout your life time.... but its how we deal with them that makes the difference... who we seek to help us through them. Will we give into the lies of satan that our life is troubled... that we cant do anything right... that we have to work harder than others because we just have that kind of luck...... or will we believe God loves us and wants to give us everything out hearts desire and then some. That He wants out lives to be filled with Blessings and love. God forgives each and every one of our sins. That no matter what we do or say.. if we ask for His forgiveness... its done and forgotten. A sink constantly filled with clean water. Sounds good to me!!!!

God Bless you all.......
hugs... and love,

**But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. ~ Romans 5:3**

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