Monday, August 11, 2008

Day 3 of CGOAG........Team Afghan is doing Great

Oh my.......... I have been away for a few days............. My apologies.......... 'The Games' have kept me really busy!!! Getting my 'game challenge' done... .working on swap items.. charity squares... and tending to family ... well.... keeps me busy.. on my toes and away from my blog a bit. Praise God I have all that to do though and I don't have idle time to give to satan. Satan does enough damage as it is.. don't need to give him free time to really run a muck.

Well........... this is the progress on the first of the two Prayer Blankets I have entered into my challenge of 'The Games' I'm pleased with my progress so far. I have been working on this between Swap items... charity items and tending to my family. Along with suffering from a horrible headache which has upset my stomach and some crazy chest pains... but Praise God... My hands still work .... *grin*
I cant let Team Afghan down..... I have an obligation to help us reach that GOLD Medal!
We are a great team... we pass the baton when needed ... and we haven't dropped it yet! We have covered each other from day one ... and our team is moving right along. I'm so proud of Team Afghan.. they are true sportswomen.... hangin' in when it gets tough... and pulling up those stitches to keep us going! GO TEAM AFGHAN!
Look at this wonderful pile of color!!! Can you believe it?!? My wonderful Aunt sent this to me. She does alot of Charity work of making Prayer shawls and Slippers. She ends up with lots of little balls of yarn she really cant use .... So.. guess who the lucky winner of this stash is.......... yup... ME! There are about a dozen or so skeins that are still good size... but most of this is baggies of little yarn balls. Perfect for Charity Granny Squares. Speaking of granny squares.... you see that tote to the left... Those are granny squares she had tucked in the bottom of the box. Woo hoo... I'll add to them to make them to size when needed for projects! I cant tell you how fun it was to open this box and dig through the lovely yarn.
Okay.......... I really need to get a few rounds put on this prayer blanket before dinner.
you all have a GREAT night.. and a wonderful tomorrow!
hugs .. love and blessings,

**Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.
~ Revelation 3:20**


Debbi-a1 said...

You're coming along on that blanket! It's going to be great. And all that yarn from your aunt! What a great "gift".

Anonymous said...

Wow! It's like you won the yarn lottery! What a blessing! :D The afghan is looking wonderful!

sissie said...

love the colors in your blanket and it is coming along nicely and what a blessing to receive all that yarn!
