Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Show & Share...........

Well.... its been a long time since I just had a post showing off something I made.
So.............. today... I'm going to!

I had a very dear friend email me a picture of a blanket a couple weeks ago asking if I could make something like that?
Well.......... I looked it over... the crochet stitches were all very simple.. .the idea was real easy... so I said I would make it for her.   She has a neighbor whos daughter who just recently had a baby.  My friend has been shopping and just cant seem to find the right little something to say exactly how she feels... so she came to me for a handmade gift.    PERFECT!!!!   Handmade is much better anyway... :)

So................. here is is....................

Started out pretty simple................

movin' along nicely.....................


 I have to say.... I'm pretty proud of myself over this one!  
Thanks for stoppin' in .......
Have a terrific Tuesday!!!!

God Bless