Saturday, January 28, 2017

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

~7 years~

💕Happy Anniversary💕
You two are amazing!!!
I love you both so much!!!
Patrick & K


Thursday, January 19, 2017

.:: Thankful Thursday ::.

           ☕ ~ So much to be thankful for even when you're not feeling very thankful! 
With this month already half over... and with all the Valentine talk and things in the stores... I find it hard to smile.   Then I think about all the special days after that ... that will be coming all year long.  Every one of them are going to be difficult to get through.... but I'm so thankful for all the ones in the past that I did get to enjoy!  All those memories... all the fun... the smiles... the love!  Oh how thankful I am for those memories!

I'm Thankful for.........

* GOD!!!
* Coffee
* Thursdays
* what little sleep I get... its better than none
* having orders to fill this morning before I head out to run errands with my mom
* almost being done crocheting a gift a dear friend asked me to make
* having more crocheting projects to work on
* coffee
* technology
* communication
* my family
* hot  water
* all the things that surround me in my office that remind me of how loved I am.
* coffee

hugs... love & blessings
.:: Tam ::.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Terrific Tuesday......

    ☕ ~ Good Morning...............

       Well... we've had some fun weather over the past few days.  Freezing rain!!  Looks like today may be okay.  School was canceled for my boys today... I'm glad because although it looks okay... doesn't mean it will stay that way.   I'm happy having my boys safe and warm at home with me!
        I have a busy day planned today... Just got done making another fresh pot of coffee... pulled an cinnamon twist pastry out of the oven for the boys for breakfast... so now I'm going to spend the day working on my Flower Seed business!   I have a lot to do to get ready for 'busy season'! 

        ~ Thankful for........
.:: God!
.:: coffee
.:: electricity!...
.:: catching up with a good friend!
.:: my babies all being safe from the bad weather!
.:: my "job" being my office upstairs!
.:: being able to stick to my diet!
.:: my children loving me even though I'm the over protective.. hovering mother who wishes they would all live with me forever!
.:: coffee
.:: my lawyer!
.:: lots of orders this weekend!
.:: photos

.:: God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. (‭Psalms‬ ‭46‬:‭1‬) ::.

Have a Blessed day everyone!
<>< Tam

Monday, January 16, 2017

... Staying busy ...

With my crocheting!   I'm working on an order from a friend that needs a baby gift!

I cant show what it is yet.....
But its coming along so good and is so cute!!!!

Thanks for stopping by!
Stay safe and warm today!

God Bless

Sunday, January 15, 2017

.:: Today .......

      ☕~ Thankful for.......
- God ... He loves me through it ALL
- coffee... because its coffee
- it being Saturday... just needing a no brain day...
- a good solid hour sleep last night
- a New Year... to learn... to create... to love
- my crocheting... a gift God blessed me with to bless others with but also help my family finances .... I hope!
- my children... which I love so very much and am so proud of!
- all the new special people in my life over the last 7 months!
- Tuesday night family dinners... time with my brother and his family is precious to me!
- my mommy... I love her so much!
- my ladies prayer group!
- Family! (Blood... Closest friends... Church)

.:: hugs - love & blessings to you all ::.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

For Sale....................

If interested.... let me know in the comments or email me!
I'll send you an invoice!


God Bless

Friday, January 13, 2017


~ When life is upside-down...
      ~ You meant evil against me.. but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result. (Genesis 50:20) ~
        Have you ever felt as though your life is upside-down? Joseph would certainly be able to relate. His brothers sold him to some Midianites.. who took him to Egypt and sold him to Potiphar.. one of Pharaoh's officers. Then he was thrown into prison when Potiphar's wife wrongly accused him of indiscretions. He found favor with the chief jailer but was forgotten by others whom he helped and who could have helped him. Even after more than two years in jail for no reason... Joseph continued to trust his sovereign God.
       One day... God turned his life in a new direction. Joseph correctly interpreted Pharaoh's dreams and was suddenly promoted to the second-highest position in all of Egypt. Year later...when Joseph faced his brothers for the first time since they had sold him... he could have been bitter. Instead... he forgave and loved them.
When you are experiencing an upside-down life... remember that God is sovereign and is working out His plan. His plan for your life.
          ** Lord... thank you for weaving my circumstances together in Your good plan and purpose. Amen **

God Bless

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Happy Birthday to my sweet Michael......

18 years ago today started out to be a pretty scary day as the doctors induced my labor so my precious baby could be born too early for the safety of both our lives. But it ended in the most perfect way with my beautiful boy being placed in his daddy and my arms for us to be trusted with by our great God above to love and raise!
I've always said he was my little hero... with all he has had to go through.
That sweet tiny baby has grown into such a wonderful young man! He one of the most genuine people I know!
I love you Michael Joseph !!!
Your daddy and I are so very proud of you! I can't wait to see what God has in store for you as you travel His path!
Happy Birthday my love! wuv you!.......


Monday, January 9, 2017

Just being silly................

...... having fun before I get to work!!!  
           My kids "forced" me to get SnapChat..... 😉

have a great day everyone!
.:: Tammy ::.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Thought for the day.......

~ Do you ever wonder why you exist? Day-to-day activities and worries pull us in so many directions that most of us seldom think about the goal of life. But our Creator made us with a purpose: to glorify Him!
In His Word, God is emphatic that we are to testify to His faithfulness and His mighty works. Jesus Christ considered this important as well—when teaching His disciples how to communicate with God, He began His well-known prayer with adoration of His Father (Matt.... 6:9).
Why, then, do we tend to give so much attention to our petitions but so little to praising God? Perhaps some believers consider themselves too time-constrained to spend “extra” prayer time praising the Lord. Others may feel awkward expressing their gratitude to Him. Yet no excuses are acceptable. Psalm 103:2 tells us to remember God’s benefits so we will humbly glorify Him. This psalm also explains how to lift the Father up with our words—specifically, we should praise God for His character and for His work in the past, present, and future.
The Old Testament’s primary words for “praise” refer to spoken words, music, and gestures like raising hands and dancing. But we can also glorify Him in other ways, such as through actions, thoughts, and creativity.

Praise may be something foreign to you. But it’s the very purpose for which you were created. Observe how the Father is exalted in the Psalms and throughout the Bible. Then worship Him with praise as you spend time basking in His presence today.


Thursday, January 5, 2017

A day to promote my Flower Shops....

🌺Stop on by and check out all my beautiful flower seeds!

Blessings to you all
.:: Tammy ::.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Starting the New Year.....

..... with a new outlook!

      ☕ Good Morning my dear friends and family!   Hope all is well with everyone!
Some of you may know.... I lost my husband 1 June 2016 ... just 7 months ago.💔  Ken's battle with Leukemia was more than he could take anymore.   Its been a very rough 7 months!  Our 6 children are still hurting everyday.... as am I!
       Christmas was so hard!   We all put on a brave face and did what we needed to do to get through it for the rest of the family.... but at the end of the day... we all fell apart!  Definitely the worst 'first' so far!
        But here it is ... a new year!   New plans... New decisions... New adventures... New outlook!  My dear Ken is with me every day and will help guide me through!  I started a dream of an online business a year ago... selling Flower Seeds.   Ken was such a huge supporter!  He did anything and everything he could to help me get things going so that my business would be a success!  So for him... I am going to work my hardest to make this year... the year my online stores are the success they should be!  

        So my dear friends and family...... Here's to NEW!

God Bless you all
.:: Tammy ::.