How is everyone today? Sun is shinning .... coolness to the air.. but the sights of Spring are peeking through.
Track practice has started for Patrick. He has a bit of a head cold.. so that isnt any help to running.... :( He's a strong boy... he'll fight through it!
Michael and David are done with their "club wrestling tournaments" But I'll be signing all three boys up for more as I can so they can get some more experience in before season is over.
Ken is hangin' tough.... going through round 3 of chemo this week. Tired yesterday... but he did some errand running after treatment so that I think wore him out.
Me? well... I'm still doin' what I do............... I do the best to take care of my family! I'm crafting all the time... Mostly crocheting and knitting. Trying to fill charity needs and personal needs/wants. And of course spending time with God. I dont always give Him the time He deserves... but I do my best. I'm so grateful for His love!!!
So............ wanted to take a minute and show off a few things ................
This is a Doily'ghan. I'm creating an afghan for my mom for Mother's Day from a doily pattern. This pattern is a vintage 1951 pattern... .its very pretty... but I'm finding it something I have to really take my time studying through to get the count and sizing right. Hope I get it done in time..... and that she likes it!
And this......................... this is a Prayer blanket made for a young lady.... in her 20's that was recently diagnosed with Leukemia. Ken met her 3-4 weeks ago as he always checks the floor he stayed on for new leukemics after any doctors appointment. He met McKenzie and her folks and was able to chat with them.... and then deliver this prayer blanket I made for her. Please keep her in your prayers. She didnt make remission first time around and is now going through another round of chemo.
1 comment:
I hope the chemo works this time around for McKenzie. How thoughtful of you to crochet her a blanket. <3
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