is almost done!

Ken met a sweet lady at the hospital while going through his first consolidation chemo treatment. She happens to be in the very room he was in and has Leukemia also. We've visited her and her hubby and they are really nice folks. She's struggling much more than Ken has with this ............... so prayers for Robin would be very much appreciated!
I'm making her a special 12 point round prayer blanket and I'm a few rows from being done! I'm hoping to get it to her on Monday.
Have a Fabulous Friday everyone................. and a Wonderful Weekend!
hugs... love and many Blessings
You are so loving and giving, I'm so proud of you. Keep on being as wonderful as you are! Love you Aunt Joycie
I love you Aunt Joycie!
You're my biggest fan... and you sure know how to cheer me on!!!
<3 <3 <3
Oh, I love orange! Prayer shawls and blankets mean so much to the recipient, too. Your family is always in my thoughts and prayers. Love you...
Oh dear sweet June! How are you my friend? Thank you for your prayers!! Love you back!
God Bless!
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