Saturday, March 7, 2009

T I M E...............

*throws hands up and yells...............*

Well.......... with the huge help from Ken... I was able to get 1100 Hershey mini's covered and delivered on time to a lovely lady needing them for her daughters wedding on the 14th.
After meeting up with her to drop of her order... we talked about me doing Candy Wrapped center pieces for the tables at the School Plays Dinner night. Looks like I will be doing 8-10 center pieces and a couple dozen extra regular sized Hershey bars for it. Not bad for being out of the candy wrapping loop for a while.
But............... I need to get back to my crocheting and knitting!!!

This is what 1100 Hershey mini's wrapped for a Wedding look like!

This is what a loving ... caring ... devoted husband looks like ...helping his wife get those mini's wrapped!
Okay... off I go... I have some crocheting I want to do before I call it a night. LOL...LOL...LOL... like I sleep...........LOL *need coffee*
Sleep well my friends...........have a Super Sunday!
hugs... love & Blessings,
**Remember this-a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop. ~ 2 Corinthians 9:6**


Diane said...

The wrappers are beautiful and what a special hubby to help out with a tedious project like that! He's a keeper, Tammy!!! Enjoy your Sunday!


teakaycee said...

Diane....Thank you for the compliment!!! Yup... one of a kind .. kind of guy I have!
God Bless you dear!