This particular challenge is in honor of my daddy! While he spent his last 8 months of his life in a hospital room... he made stocking caps for anyone he could. He made them for the nurses... for the patients... and even a few for his family!
Well.. his very last few months right before his last surgery... were in a lovely Rehab facility .... Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital! That was the most wonderful place. He was doing so well... there was sight of a future of him home with us again. They loved him... they were there whenever he needed... or even didnt need them. He made friends with the staff and patients there. Able to sit out in a common area and visit... have meals... play on a computer so that he could email family and friends and get back in touch with so many he hadnt seen or spoke to since being in the hospital. That place gave my children the best 'last' memories of their grandpa. He would play a bit of racing down the hall to the cafeteria with them in his wheel chair. He was able to visit.. hug... and have wonderful dinners with us. We snuck grandpa outside a couple times to walk around the grounds. (okay... so he was totally aloud to do that... but the younger ones didnt know ... so it was fun watching them sneak grandpa out)
So let me get on with my challenge. I want to pick up where my daddy left off and make stocking caps for the patients at Madonna. There are so many of them there that would love that little bit of extra warmth. There are so many different types of recovering going on. Some have different medications or treatments they are dealing with while there that they become chilled.
Okay.. get ready... here is my challenge....
Small goal.... 250 caps
Big goal.......500 caps.
I'm asking for any size... any color... any style.... any yarn.
Delivery of caps ..... Christmas of this year.
So please... if you are willing to help put a Cozy Cap on a toddler... teenager... adult or a sweet elderly person... email me at the address on the side bar... AND THANK YOU!


I will try to help but I am spread pretty thin right now. Nice project though.
Hi Tam,
This is such a lovely idea! I haven't done any crocheting in so many years and I honestly didn't think I could or would even want to try to again. I don't know, maybe I'm changing my mind! I'm just gonna have to think and pray about that a bit! Have a great week!
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