UPDATE on Jane...........
Please keep Arvil and his family in your prayers as Jane, his wife, passed away last night. The Funeral Services will be held at 10:00 am on Monday.
UPDATE on Margie........
10:30am this morning 12 March 09
Good Morning,
I want to let you know that Margie has been taken off her IVs and moved to the Neurological Floor - She is still needing prayer for her heart, as there are still issues, and strength. Thank you for your continued prayers,
Pastor Jim
11:15am this morning 12 March 09
We just received word that Margie is coding. Please be praying that her heart and her mind is healed miraculously.
12:45pm this afternoon 12 March 09
They have moved Margie back to ICU. She coded because of low potassium levels. It is now under control.
PRAY PRAY PRAY........ Storm the gates of Heaven with Prayers!
God Bless you all......... thank you for your love and prayers!
hugs.. love & Blessings,
**Since you excel in so many ways-in your faith, your gifted speakers, your knowledge, your enthusiasm, and your love from us-I want you to excel also in this gracious act of giving.
~ 2 Corinthians 8:7**
Prayer Blanket for Margie
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