Friday, January 4, 2019

A little show & share Friday......

☼ ☕ Good Morning everyone!
 Thought I would just pop in to show off a few random things.

This is my new office space at home.   My sons Christopher and Michael put my desk together for me after my sweet David cleaned out this room to have it ready for them... then he brought all the goodies in for me to put where I wanted them.  I spent the weekend purging and organizing ... and this is what I have so far.   I still have a few more files to go through and some decorative items to put up... but I'm quite happy with my office!

 This is the little space above my desk on the hutch that I have dedicated to Ken's Spot.
He watches over me while I work and keeps me company!

This is a scarf I'm working on with some left over yarn from a blanket.
I have my year cut out for me as far as my list of projects I plan on getting done!  I say it every year... I'm going to work on Christmas gifts all year and give everyone a homemade item.... WELL.... this year.. darn it.. I'm going to do it!   That's part of my new "organized" life.  
I'm super proud of myself... I sent out the first birthday card of the year... I started on Christmas gifts.. and I'm finishing this scarf up for the "gift drawer"  I have my Flower Seed business pretty organized and ready for 'busy season'.   I'm just feeling like I'm more "together"!! 

I have my bible out more... I have been paying much more attention to the daily bible verses I receive on my bible app... and I've been praying & praising more!  2019 is the year I let God in COMPLETELY!  This is also the year ... I Let Go.   Let go of blaming myself for everything gone wrong.  Things happen because of the situation and circumstances!  Sometimes it really is someone else's doing!  Other times its the cards I was dealt!  God knows what He's doing allowing these things to happen in my life!  I'm going to Trust Him!!!!

Have a wonderfully Blessed day everyone!
God has it all under control!!

1 comment:

chrissie said...

A beautiful space and very organised. So nice to have Ken watching over you as you work.

Love and best wishes from Chrissie xx