Speaking of being blessed...................... I want to show you a couple of Prayer Blankets I received in the mail recently for my Challenge. Aren't they awesome!!!?!
This one is from a wonderful lady named Mary (aka:hockeymomcrochets) from C'ville. Thank you dear............... so very much.
These next three pics are of Charity Squares I'll be mailing out to ladies that have asked for help making a Comfortghan for someone.
this one is a bit askew..... darn thing wont straighten.. even after blocking. It will once its placed in a 'ghan... but sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh.... hehheee
Well................... that's it for now. I have crocheting to do...... watch my boys play Guitar Hero and play with my grandson. hmmm.. and do laundry and make dinner. WHEW.
have a Wonderful day... may you be blessed beyond your wants or needs.
Huge Hugs,
**My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever.
~ Psalm 73:26**
That second one looks cool, is it supposed to be like the first?
I meant the square, not the blanket lol! :-\
hehehe... the first square is called 'Pinwheel' the second is 'Tilt-a-whirl' and *whirl* it does... LOL
Wonderful work, as always, but my comment is about the Bible verse for today. It really touched me, and speaks for me today. Thank you.
Dear Sister in Christ:
Thank you for the comment on my blog. Yes, no one knows what is coming in the future, but rest assured, God is already there! Pray for me, as I pray for you!
As always, I very much enjoy seeing your work! Great color choices, all of it and very pretty! Is the pattern for the heart square available anywhere? I really like it...
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