Happy Birthday To Me
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday To Me!!!
Praise God... another wonderful year!! How blessed am I!?! Wonderful family and friends. Beautiful home... loving husband... precious children and grandchildren.
I know this picture isn't very good.... it was a task to get everything in without crowding it. But this is what I have gotten for my birthday so far. Day isn't over yet.. you never know.... hehheheeeeee
I received 3 wonderful pictures in frames from my in-laws from their time spent here. I couldn't have asked for a better gift! I love pictures! They have always been special to me... but they mean so much more to me since daddy's passing. I received two super cute night shirts from my hubby and younger three boys. (one has coffee cups on it........ PERFECT) From some wonderful folks at church I received chocolate... pocket photo book.... scrapbook goodies... socks... towel and washcloth...lotion... dress... and a MICHAELS GIFT CARD (woohoo) My mommy gave me a beautiful handmade card with a little personal note that brought tears to my eyes.... along with cash that I could spend on ME.
What a grand day! God is SO GOOD!!! Blessed me with such wonderful people in my life! Most of all........ with all the mistakes I've made and will continue to make... He still loves me... forgives me and blesses me! I'm one lucky girl! I had a father here on earth that was the BEST EVER.... and I have my Father in heaven that is PERFECT! Praise God!

We did it ladies............. my mommy's comfortghan is DONE!
Thank you Thank you Thank you ... from the bottom of my heart! Without the help and encouragement from my C'ville friends... I would haven't been able to do this. The emotional trip this 'ghan took me though was tough!!!
Huge Thanks to:
Triskele (Rusty)...ScoobyDoo...crazyboutcrochet (Brenda)...Priszm...Eneida...croshay (Lisa)... sissie44... momwifeof4boys (Lea)...Yarnfeather (Heather)... Pat54... Caroline192... RoseRed... Daisy... Beckykwoolls (Karen)... jmccrochet... sfgwife... 2kute (Rose)... jessicagil... 7Paw(Sheree)... cdschlea (colleen)...Beth Eathorne...Susan...Debi B and last but not least... Jimbo (yup... you helped Jimbo.... you see I used your beautiful ChopHook to do the boarder... thank you)
have a wonderful day... (I plan to)
God Bless you all!
Who are you?
The likelihood of anyone else in history having the same genetic make-up as you, is zero. You're not just another brick in the wall or another nail in the carpenter's toolbox. God "personally formed and made" you (Isaiah 43:7)You're the only 'you' He created, so if you fail to be who you are His kingdom won't benefit from your unique contribution. You're not your parents (which is good news for some of us!) or your Uncle Joe or Aunt Molly or somebody else you've been trying to please or model yourself on. It's okay to learn from others, but always be what God called you to be. The Bible says: "Don't compare yourself… take responsibility for doing the… best you can with your… life" (Galatians 6:4-5).
Hi there and Happy Birthday! Just thought I'd stop by and wish another Tammy a Happy Birthday. Mine is next month and I'll be turning the big 40......Your comfortghan came out wonderfully and I live the little hat and ripple you did. Have a great day!
I'm TammyG at the ville.
Thank you so very much.. how sweet of you!!!
Thank you for taking time to send me birthday wishes. Thank you for the compliments... I always appreciate those!!
Now if I dont remember next month... let me wish you a wonderfully blessed birthday!
huge hugs and many blessings!
thank you 2kute.... for the help and compliment!
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