It was a beautiful busy day. Thank you Lord God for keeping me busy. Reminds me that I have a wonderful life with many friends and family to love and love me back!
I have alot of WIPs to get busy on. Comfortghans.... Prayer blankets... Christmas Gifts... etc.
I set those things aside to work on some gifts that were needed this last week... and some Charity Squares that are still in need of.
Speaking of Charity Squares............ I was fortunate enough to Test this square (Heart of a Child) for a dear lady from C'ville.... (Donna) I love how it came out and I have made a few more for other charity needs. This one went to Donna. (SmoothFox)
Thank you for letting me test this ........ it was fun!
Aren't they both absolutely beautiful!!!?!!! I'm sorry for the photo quality....... I took this with my phone ... usually it does MUCH better than this... not sure what happen. Thats okay... I love it all the same. Mom loved her 'ghan.......... couldnt believe all the beautiful squares sent from strangers just for her! Thank you again everyone for your help!!!

Okay...............time to get some more crocheting done. I have my list of things to finish... work on and package up tonight before bed. hmmmmm.... bed.............? If I dont get busy... I may have to skip the 'bed' thing. hehehehehee
You all have a GREAT night...
hugs ... love and Blessings,
.:: T ::.
**Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
~ Matthew 28:19**
1 comment:
I love the heart square! Very pretty! :) You did a great job on it! :)
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