Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter..........

Healing at the Cross

We know when Jesus was crucified
Upon the wooden cross
Our every sin was laid upon Him
All for loving the lost

And we know that when He rose again
He conquered death and hell
Through His resurrection we have
Eternal life as well

For this we praise our gracious Lord
And thank Him for His love
For we could never have had this hope
If it wasn’t for His spilled blood

But we can know His resurrection power
Right now while we are here
For we can come to the cross of Christ
And lay down our burdens there

For everything that may hold us back
The hurts from yesterday
At the foot of the cross we lay it down
And then just walk away

For I believe that there is healing
At the cross of Christ
We do not need to carry these loads
For they’ve all been crucified

Receive from Jesus the healing you need
For your spirit, body and soul
Then you can arise, freed from your past
To walk completely whole

For what He accomplished on the cross
Goes on into eternity
Just reach out your hand and He will too
And receive His victory ....... &blessings

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