Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April Showers.............

“When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs, where pools of blessing collect after the rains!” Psalm 84:6

Although the rain is beautiful and is a blessing to nature.... It also creates a mess on the streets... yards... and playgrounds. I find it can be a visible thing for how we feel inside at times. Beautiful and refreshed... or a muddy mess.
Today its raining out ... and as I reading through Psalms..... I found a book mark in my bible that said............
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
I took it as a challenge. Would I choose to “dance” in my “rain”?
Many of my friends would trade my “rains” for their Valley of Weeping. Their lives hold divorce, illness, death---and places of sorrows. God doesn’t promise us a trouble- free life, but He does say that Valleys of Weeping will eventually become pools of blessing. We choose our attitudes. We can decide to trust Him during the difficult seasons or we can bury ourselves in bitter self-pity.

Although the pain of life may linger, the Lord will lead us out of the Valley of Weeping. Let’s take to heart Psalm 27:14, “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord”

I recall the lines from a childhood poem, “April showers bring May flowers.” Hopefully, as I go though the rains of my life I will look for those pools of blessing that will spring beauty like the flowers ...that the Lord will provide and not get stuck in the mud.

Dear Lord, life is hard sometimes. Walk me through the Valley of Weeping. Keep my heart focused on You and the blessings You provide. Open my eyes to the pools of blessing that You supply. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
hugs... love... & blessings


Cindy said...

Just ran across your site & have enjoyed going through it. Are you planning on doing a Prayer Blanket Challenging this year? Where can I find the pattern for this blanket? Cindy cwknitnut at yahoo dot com

teakaycee said...

Thank you for stopping in Cindy and for the compliment!
Yes... I am still doing the prayer blankets this year... I have been so bad at updating that info!
I will be happy to get you the pattern! thank you for wanting to help!
have a wonderfully blessed day!